Returning home(i hate the fucking squirrels here)

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Tommy was inconsolable. The acid spitter and all the dragons staring at him with glowing eyes terrified the boy.

"Tommy, Toms, Sundrop, it's okay. They can't hurt you, they wouldn't dare. You're okay, you're safe, don't cry sweetheart." Wilbur cooed, holding Tommy close, swaddled up in his wings.

Techno growled something at Wilbur, he sounded concerned.

"He is, but I thought you killed him!" Wilbur hissed back, holding Tommy's head to his chest, petting it. Tommy's nose was stuffy and his eyes were puffy and red. He'd been crying for a few minutes now.

Wilbur gently lifted his head so he looked at the dragon. "Sundrop, please stop crying. You're okay. I know it scared you but they won't do anything to you, sweetheart. You're safe now. We won't let anything happen to you, okay?"

Tommy nodded, letting out a shaky breath. Wilbur held him close.

Phil walked out of the hallway, his face falling when he saw the three.

"What's happening? Why's Tommy crying?" He immediately asked, setting the box he was carrying down.

"You remember.... Him..?" Wilbur asked, a deep fuck-around-and-find-out growl slipping out of his throat at the last word.

Phil inhaled slowly. "What about him?" The crow asked slowly, his face passive. Tommy could see the faint signs of anger in his features, however.

"He's alive." Wilbur snarled, tightening his hold on Tommy a bit. Wilbur's voice suddenly got extremely possessive, if that was possible, "And he scared Tommy."

Phil hissed, looking away as he thought. Techno sat up, but was immediately halted by Phil's stern look.

"Killing him won't do anything good for us. We've been at peace for a while, and it seems like he's in charge. So... as much as we hate him, and the two of you despise him, we can't do anything right now. There will be a meeting between the two rulers and I soon. So we shouldn't do anything because it could ruin everything. But we will be keeping Tommy far away from him. I will be going to set up my part of the meeting tomorrow. Wilbur, you are to keep an eye on Tommy while Techno and I are gone." Phil explained.

A quiet hiss came from Wilbur, but he nodded, cocooning Tommy in his wings as snug as possible. Tommy yawned wide, the tiredness that comes with sobbing his eyes out making him very fatigued. Wilbur purred, petting Tommy's hair, making his eyes droop and him feel even more tired.

He fell asleep quickly.


He woke up to someone nudging his shoulder. He grumbled and cracked an eye open, seeing bright gold scales in front of him and a shit-eating grin on a brown face.

"Mmff?" Tommy groaned.

"Tommy, Toms, I want to do something. I want to go on a journey with you, and I need you to wake up because you'll have to guide me." Wilbur whispered, sparing Tommy's ears.

Tommy glared tiredly at him, before shoving his face in a soft red pillow.

"Tooommmmyyyyyyyyyy." Wilbur whined, gently scooping Tommy up and cradling him like a baby.

Not today, Satan, he still has some dignity to hold onto.

"Set me down, you flying reptile!" Tommy hissed, wriggling out of Wilbur's claws and landing on the floor with an 'Oof'.

"Great! Now that you're awake," Wilbur started, adjusting the bag slung around his shoulders, "we can go for a little... trip."

Tommy did not like the sound of that. He trusted Wilbur, but he did not like the way he said that.

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