Chapter 7

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Yoongi's pov

One moment I was falling and the next... I don't remember much. 

All I know is that I'm in someone's arms and we are surrounded in ashes. 

"Hoseok?" The person tsked at me in annoyance.

"Stupid human," the person glowered before letting me back down. My wounds haven't healed yet so I flinched as my foot touched the grass. A flash of concern crosses his face but was replaced with disgust. "So fucking weak." He walked away from me not before stomping on the corpse of the creature that attacked me.  

"I'm sorry I'm not supernatural!" I replied bitterly. He stopped and glared at me.

"Annoying," is the only words he says to me as he walks through the door, like literally. As much as I wanted to smack him those words stung. He had been okay to be around but now he couldn't tell why Hoseok suddenly became mean again. 

Jimin burst out the door looking around frantically. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay! I really thought that thing was going to kill you!" He ran over giving me a tight hug. I wince again but don't mind as much. "Let's get you back inside." 

I stepped back inside and see the shadow figure that used to always hover around me. The vibe it gave me felt off. I sulked a bit as I passed him. I don't understand why he changed his stance on me. 

Namjoon and the others sat in the living room starring at the floor. Jin jumped up when he saw me and walked over quickly. 

"I'm sorry. But at least it didn't eat you," Jungkook said.

"Sadly," Namjoon muttered. He sighed as he walked away from the group. The shadow hovered near Namjoon and he stared back at him like they were having a meaningful conversation. 

"Ignore Namjoon. He... become very moody during the Red Moon," Jin says trying to comfort me.

"What was that thing?" I whispered. 

"It's a... the best way I can uh... describe it is that it's a man eating ghost," Jin explains seating me down on the couch. As I sat down something grabbed my ankle and used it to pull itself out from under. Jimin gasped and I froze in terror. Jin ripped it away from me and shred it apart. It's black blood splatter over us and Jimin gagged as he ran out of the room to the bathroom. 

I stood there in horror as the blood ripped into my socks. Hoseok once again appeared next to me. "That's it if there's another one again I'm gonna eat it," Hoseok snapped. Jin gave the creature to Namjoon and he took it away to god knows where. 

"Please tell me there isn't more coming," I whispered. Jin signed sympathetically. 

"We still have a few hours until sunrise Yoongi. I'm sorry but this is just the beginning." I buried my head in my hands. Everything felt so surreal. I begged for this to be all but a bad dream but I knew better. I wasn't even sure if I could take a shower . I feared that as soon as I step in there will be something in there waiting for me like what happen in the closet. 

I'm safe nowhere. I can't go anywhere because they'll follow me too. I hugged my legs into my chest doing my best not to cry. The mission was only partially a success as I sniffled and wiped away a few stray tears. 

Hoseok didn't leave me alone. I could tell he was extremely annoyed but he stayed quiet. I shivered as the temperature continued to drop. I could now see my own breath in the air. Hoseok got up and came back with a thick blanket. He dropped it on my head and muttered to me, "Sorry. I... I didn't mean to take my anger out on you." He looked away, "I know you can't change the way you were born. It was wrong of me." He didn't say anything else. 

I was glad he couldn't see the blush on my face underneath all the fabric. For a moment I got to see his face under full lighting. Wow... Oh no... he's hot! He was extremely handsome. My heart fluttered as I continued to stare. He coughed awkwardly and I looked away immediately. 

"Umm. I'm going to go check on Jimin... Don't fucking move." I nodded still hiding under the blanket.  

(I finally updated heh :3)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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