Chapter 2 (M)

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Trigger warning (there are images of claw marks and bleeding/open wounds) Very gruesome for those who are sensitive about this proceed with caution.

Hoseoks Pov

I wake up from chatter coming from inside the apartment Namjoon wakes up too and we turn inviable. A boy with skin pale as sugar and red strawberry lips. What the hell Jimin?! You brought over more humans?! While we all were mad Jin was jumping up and down for joy. 

"Yay a human! If you guys hurt him I'll starve ya'll!" Jin growls.

"That's fine I'll just eat him," I say jumping on a beam hoping it will crush the pale boy. But then Jimin came into the room so Jungkook pushed the beam back into its place.  Then Tae and him started feeling jimin up. They stopped when they notice the pale guy was looking at them. 

When that boy was busy fixing the room I took every opportunity I had to try and kill him but Jimin kept checking on him. Finally, we get to my room my turf. I tried to crush him but he was so quick. Is he even human?! 

Then he stops and stares at me. He just stares. I panicked for a moment thinking that he saw me but he snaps out of it and goes back to work. This dude is a freaking machine! But he needs to leave. Humans are a nuisance they are like cockroaches they are a pest. Jimin is a mouse, less hard to deal with I would have gotten rid of the vermin a long time ago but sadly two large cats are guarding the thing. I want him out and I want him out now.  He's doing something to me that pisses me off and I don't understand what it is.

When he finished my room it looks nothing like before. I hate this human but I have to say he's good at this. 

12:00 midnight. Time for him to go.

I stand over him still contemplating how I get rid of him. When he drifted off again ripped his blanket away from him. He scoffed making me angrier.

"Really?! Just let me sleep!" He whined. I yanked him by the ankle and dragged him out of his room and into the hallway. He lets out a surprised yelp as I wrapped my hand around his neck and held him up in the air I forced him to stare at the wall and wrote: get out in his blood. During this whole thing, he didn't even show an ounce of fear. I dropped him when I saw Jin glaring at me.

"Hi my name is Jin." he smiles and extends his hand out to the human. The human refuses to shake it and I hear Namjoon growling. Very bad idea human. Now you got Namjoon wanting to get rid of you.

"Shake his hand you stupid human!" a growl comes from behind me and again the boy into knocked to the ground and dragged. Namjoon digs his claws into the humans back and sinks its teeth dig into his rib crushing it. 


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Jimin runs out when he hears the commotion

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Jimin runs out when he hears the commotion.

"What the hell?! What did he do wrong?! You guys better hope he doesn't die!"

"Jimin stay out of this!" Jungkook warned.

I stood over him and choke him trying to crush his vocal cords so less screaming will happen when we kill him. You think he would be scared right he fucking is smiling, what is wrong with him. As I try and kill him I couldn't do it there was something about him that nagged at me for hurting him and the way he looked so broken and sad. I squeezed his neck tighter before deciding I couldn't kill him and let go. Finally being able to breathe again I start coughing. The other eyes backed away. Jin and Jimin helped him up and started apologizing over and over again. For some reason, I wanted to say sorry too.

"It's okay I'm still alive right?" He says in a cheerful matter but then started coughing up blood. He must be mental. 

"Hoseok since you started this help me get him back on to his bed!" Jin orders. I pick him up and launch him into his room. His body slides and impales himself on the closet doorknob.

"Do the rest yourself or I'm killing the nameless human." I scoffed at Jin's and Jimin's face walking away. Then suddenly the boy started to speak.

"My name."


"My name ... it's Yoongi" he looks me in the eye. 

"So who cares."

"No one does." My hurt sunk a little. They shou- What the hell am I saying!

"Okay so?"

"Thank you" My heart begins to beat faster. Out of fear? No not fear. Then what?


"Calling me human."

"Anything else human."

"Thank you for not killing me." There he goes again smiling. It hurts so much though. I hate it so much. 

Then he passes out. Panic consumes me and I rush to the boy. 

"Yoongi!" What is this human doing to me?! 

(Tanuki Reilly: It's called love babe it's called love. hehe)

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