Chapter 3

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Yoongi Pov

I had a weird dream what most of us would call a nightmare of so bloody faced demon thing screaming in my ear on top of its lungs. That woke me up hella quick. I open my eyes to see to the red glowing eyes above me. I waved at it and it disappeared. I turn over to see Jin asleep on a gigantic black wolf and Jimin being cuddled by 2 other guys. This is so weird. I move to get out of bed but the pain spread throughout my body. Oh, I just remembered what happened last night. I turn and looked down to see metal mesh and clear bandages all over me. A brace wrapped over my rids and cuts everywhere. Jimin woke up and freaked out when he saw that I was up.

"Oh my god, Yoongi I'm so sorry what for what they did." I just waved him off saying it was fine and get up to find my clothes because I WAS BUTT NAKED! When I  walked over to the closet I something tugging at the bed sheets that I was using to cover me. It yanked the sheet away and grabbed my ass! I freaked out and so did Jimin. Really?! But as soon as the other boys started waking up it wrapped the sheet over me and shoved me into the closet and closed the door. It's so dark inside that I couldn't see anything. Jimin kept banging on the door and trying to open it. He probably thought the shadow was going to hurt me again.

"Um excuse me, thing that shoved me in here can you turn on the lights at least?" The lights surprisingly turned on and I was able to put on some loose-fitting clothes. Once I finished the door slowly crept open. Okay?

"Yoongi I thought he was going to kill you!" JImin hugged me. The second he touched me growling appeared. 

"Pipe down!" Jimin yells.

"Jin check his wounds." 

I sat on the bed and Jin changes the bloody bandage. 

"Namjoon come here." A big wolf shifts back to a human and bows at me.

"I'm Namjoon sorry for helping Hoseok to try and kill you." Jin wacks him upside the head with a slipper. Namjoon whines making the boys behind him laugh.

"So your one of the things that attacked me?" he nodded sheepishly.

"Sorry." I nodded. 

"Is there any pizza left over from last night?" Jimin shook his head. Sighing I walk out of the roomand into the kitchen.

"Yoong if you're hungry the least I could do for you is cook for you as an apology." Jin says following me. I didn't trust anyone here. So I kindly declined that was until Namjoon threatened to throw me against the wall again. I in response dared him too.

"Okay how about we just order Pizza for now alright?" JImin says nervously trying to calm down the tension between all of us.

"Namjoon he wasn't trying to be mean!" Jin scolded the man. Namjoon scoffed at him while stomping away.

"Childish." I sneered.

"Sorry about all of there behaviors. They really hate newcomers." Jin sighs.

"Thank you for fixing up the place it. It looks perfect." 

"Not anymore. The hallway walls and floors are smeared with my blood."

"I'll help clean it up!" Jimin said trying to lighten my mood.

"Don't bother I can do it to myself."

"Sorry I'm not trying to be rude." I say when I notice he looked really rejected by my statement.

"I know after all of this you would want to move out but please don't!" Jin begged.

"Who said I was going anywhere?" I plate comes flying at my head but I duck before it could hit me. I guess who ever threw that must be the thing that yanked me out of bed that night. 

"Hoseok!" Jimin yelled soon the 2 boys I saw earlier were right beside him.

"Jin are you alright?" Namjoon burst through the door breaking the door. Aish more things to repair.

"Namjoon thank you for thinking about me but you broke the door."


"Why aren't you leaving yet?" Namjoon asked.

"Why should I?" A vase flew at my head but I ducked again in time.

"Because he won't stop trying to kill you." another plate goes flying through the air. Wow he really wants me gone.

"No offence but I kinda want you dead too." Namjoon said non nonchalantly.

Great I'm a walking dead man now.

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