Chapter 1

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Yoongi pov

I walk up to the apartment building excited about the great deal I got. A suite that has 7 master bedrooms rooms, 4 and a large kitchen including a balcony for freaking $20 a month that's insane! Well it's true millions of people had accidents there and many got killed and at some point, the police shut the place down but now it's open! The owner, Jimin, of the building, was surprised that I was even interested.  Most of the rooms in the building were destroyed in a fire so my suite was the only one that survived. 

"Y-Yoongi a-are y-you s-s-sure this i-is where y-you a-re go-going to l-live?" My brother stuttered in fear.


"It's okay." Hoshi nuzzles my brother and he calms down.

"Welcome to your new home!" Jimin says cheerfully. 

"Wow, this is better than any place I've been to" I exclaimed. 

"Yoongi you've never been anywhere but you now where," Hoshi says hugging a shivering Woozi.

"Yes but you know anywhere is better than there." My face goes dark and I feel the horrible memories slowly creep in.

"Hoshi, don't remind him!" Woozi flicks him in the forehead.

"It's okay Woozi what's done is in the past. I want to forget about it." I sighed my mood slowly dying and my body becomes tired. 

Jimin notices my mood swing and I could tell it startles him a little. 

"Um let's just keep going," I say trying to lighten my mood a little.

He opens the door and everyone's jaw drops.

He opens the door and everyone's jaw drops

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" My god this is great!" I gasped every gave me a surprised look. This place is great!

 This place is great!

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