Chapter 6

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Everyone began to get more anxious as the sun started to lower it's self. They were all fine at noon but now it's 4 pm and they're getting antsy. The energy they were spewing out made me very uncomfortable so I just sat in my room. Weirdly today it is colder than usually. Way too cold. Jimin warned me before hand that I'd be freezing. Guess I wasn't prepared enough for it. 

I walked over to me closet but I paused. It felt like something was waiting for me to open it. All I wanted to get is another blanket and my hoodie. Why now? The feeling grew and it made me start to shiver more. 

It's like it want's me to open the door but in a way my body to telling me don't do it. 

I felt Hoseok touch my shoulder for the first time. It was weirdly calming.

"H-Hoseok there's something in my closet right?" The shape shifter tapped his finger on my back letting me now I was right. "Uh okay then what do I do?" He gently pushes me towards the door. "You want me to open that damn door?!" There was a small tab on my back again. "Did I ever mention how much I hate you?" There was another small tab on my back. 

I sighed slowly walking towards the door. 

I gripped the door handle before yanking it open.

There creeping towards me was a creature with wide eyes and small pupils. It's mouth widen to a horrendous grin as it got slowly. It's long lanky limb reached out for me only to be smacked away by Hoseok. The creature wailed a little saying it was hungry. 

For the first time I heard Hoseok spoke to me, "Don't worry it can't hurt you if I'm around." I cringed as it's head started to twist it's self to where it was looking at me upside down.

 "Are you sure?" The thing lunged at me again. It's inky saliva leaking all over the place. Hoseok was quicker though. He smacked the creature back into the closet." Is it just gonna live in my closet?" 

"Not sure. Why do you need something?" 

Yoongi groaned rubbing his eyes, "You know all I wanted to do was get my hoodie since I'm freezing. And I also need to change. I can't walk around naked."

"I wouldn't mind."

"Shut up... What am I gonna do now?" I sat down on the bed staring at the monstrous creature that kept eyeing me. Hoseok didn't seem to mind the creature but it started to annoy him because it kept staring at me. 

The creature lunged at me again and I guess he had enough because he ripped off the things head and through it into the hallway. 

"... uh what about the rest of it?" Hoseok grunted and tossed the limbs out the window muttering about needing to burn it later. The head somehow rolled back into the the room leaving a trail of black oozy substance everywhere. I lifted my legs from the floor as it rolled under my bed.

"Hoseok ... it's under my bed now. Now what?" I didn't like whatever it was. When I looked down part of it's head was out and it was still staring. It slowly got out and used it's serrated teeth to climb the bed post. It hoped on to the bed and I ran in the other direction. 

It's body had managed to climb up into the window. How the fuck did that happen? We're on the 14th floor! 

I was now surrounded. In front of me was the head and behind me the body.

The body grabbed it's head and twisted it back on. It had it's weird claws/fingers on me so I had no where to run.

Next thing I know it's dragging me out the window and we're falling. My head reached out in front of me trying to grab Hoseok's hand.

Fuck, we are on the 14th floor. I really am going to die this time. Well I guess you got what you wished Hoseok. Looks like I'm leaving for good.

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