Chapter 4

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Hoseoks Pov

I watched as the boy walked towards his closet naked. 

His butt. It looks so squishy. I waannaaaa touch it.

I walked over to him ripped away the sheet that was covering him and grabbed his butt. He yelps out in surprise and tries to hit me. But the others were waking up so I wrapped up my prey and pushed him into the closet. Yoongi and Jimin were freaking out as this was happening.

.Jimin kept banging on the door and trying to open it. 

"Um excuse me, thing that shoved me in here can you turn on the lights at least?" I turned on the light only because I know if I don't the other shadows would try to eat him. But would I really mind that? Nah. But. I don't know anymore. 

I waited till he was finished before opening the door again.

"Yoongi I thought he was going to kill you!" JImin hugged him. The second he touched him growling appeared form Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Pipe down!" Jimin yells.

"Jin check his wounds."

Yoongi sat on the bed and Jin changed the bandages and cleaned his wounds. Jin must really thing this human is special.

"Namjoon come here." Namjoon shifted back to his human form and bows at the boy.

"I'm Namjoon sorry for helping Hoseok to try and kill you." Jin wacks him upside the head with a slipper. Namjoon whines making the Taehyung and Jungkook behind him laugh.

"So your one of the things that attacked me?" Namjoon nodded sheepishly.

"Sorry." Namjoon says.

"Is there any pizza left over from last night?"Yoongi asked and Jimin shook his head. Sighing Ihe walked out of the room and into the kitchen.

Now's my chance to try and get rid of him.

"Yoong if you're hungry the least I could do for you is cook for you as an apology." Jin says following him. I didn't trust anyone here. 

Yoongi declined and Namjoon got defensive for his husband again. 

Things escilated quickly when Namjoon threatened to throw him against the wall again. I couldn't stop laughing when that boy dared him too. This human is so amusing.

"Okay how about we just order Pizza for now alright?" JImin says nervously trying to calm down the tension between them.

"Namjoon he wasn't trying to be mean!" Jin scolded him. Namjoon scoffed at him while stomping away.

"Childish." he sneered.

"Sorry about all of there behaviors. They really hate newcomers." Jin sighs. What we really do.

"Thank you for fixing up the place it. It looks perfect."

"Not anymore. The hallway walls and floors are smeared with my blood."

"I'll help clean it up!" Jimin said trying to lighten his mood. Stop trying so hard it's depressing.

"Don't bother I can do it to myself." I see him walk over to the kitchen.

"Sorry I'm not trying to be rude."  he says looking back.

"I know after all of this you would want to move out but please don't!" Jin begged.

"Who said I was going anywhere?" That triggered me.  I threw a plate at him. but he ducked.

"Hoseok!" Jimin yelled soon the 2 boys I saw earlier were right beside him.

"Jin are you alright?" Namjoon burst through the door breaking the door. Pfft stupid. 

"Namjoon thank you for thinking about me but you broke the door."


"Why aren't you leaving yet?" Namjoon asked.

"Why should I?" I thew a vase at his head but he ducked again. "Because he won't stop trying to kill you." I threw another plate.

"No offence but I kinda want you dead too." Namjoon said non nonchalantly. I walked over to Namjoon. Why not do it then? 

"Jin and JImin care too much about him. They want him to stay. Apparently Jimin knew him when they were little. He used to be a happy kid you know." he whispered. 

Yoongi began picking up the shards with his bare hands. I felt the urge to slap his hand away before he got caught. WHY IS HE MAKING ME FEEL THIS AWAY! I threw a kitchen knife at him. 

"Hoseok what's your problem?!" Jin yelled.

"No stop yelling at the whatever he is. It's not his fault he hates me. I'm just hate able." Yoongi says looking dead at him in the eye.

"Yoongi..." Jimin says a few tears sliping down his face. Jimin.... was crying?

"Yoongi you can't possibly think that." Yoongi sighs and starts picking up the shards again.

"Yoongi let me help." Jin tried to pick them up too but Yoongi shoved him away earning a huge growl from Namjoon.

"Who do you think you are?!" Namjoon yelled.

"No one it's just. Jin I didn't want you to get hurt from the mess I cause. Don't worry about me." he smiled and it hurt. It hurt so much. He looked dead and broken.

He picked them up until his hands bleed and as soon as he tried to throw them away he crushed the shards into this skin. All we could do is watch as he bleed and caused himself more injuries.

When he finished he walked out of the room leaving us alone.

"What the hell did the world do to Yoongi!" Jimin cried even harder. Taehyung and Jungkook tried to comfort him. 

"He didn't deserve this!" Taehyung started tearing up too. Jin was now in tears with Namjoon by his side. 

I watched as my friends took their lovers side. I was all alone again.

I decided to follow Yoongi. 

He was changing in front of his restroom mirror. 

"I know you're there." I froze. He did?

"Why did you follow me in here? If you want to kill why don't you just do it?" I considered it and walked up to him my hand wrapped around his throat. I squeezed and watched him slowly start to suffocate. But he didn't struggle. He just looked ready to die. I can't will him. why though? I let go and he starts coughing.

"Why don't you just kill me?! Why?! Is it because of them." a single tear fall s from his face. I stood there shocked. What should I do?!

I don't know why I did it but I did. I wraped me arms around him and hugged him. He started bawling. I didn't know why but It hurt. It hurt a lot to see him sad. I hated the sound he made when he cried. But I loved it. I have the way he makes me feel. But at the same time...I'm in love with it.

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