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TW - Drinking (They're both old enough in this story btw so don't kill or come at me please), Hinted Crying.

~Ranboo's Pov~

I noticed Tubbo wasn't answering my questions when I asked him.

I looked to turn to face him. I was greeted by a face looking up to me as if I was someone who just saved him from a monster or something.

"Is there something on my face?"

He blinked and that seemed to have snapped him out of his trace because he jumped and looked at the math book.

"No, sorry I got distracted"

"By what? I know I'm pretty but don't gotta remind me by staring" I teased him

His face turned to a smooth scarlet.

The bell rung telling us that whoever was still at the school needed to get going now or soon.

"Saved by the bell" I told him.

I closed the books that were on the table while Tubbo cleaned up and lined the papers

Once we finished packing we walked out of the school ending up in the same place where he kissed my cheek.

"Alright I'm gonna get going now.."

"Oh uh Ranboo?"


It looked like he was thinking before talking. Rare [Lmao]

"Can I have a sleepover at your house today?" He hesitated.


Out of nowhere Niki popped out of a bush again, probably the same one that other day I think.

"Yeah Tubbo! You're welcome to stay at our house for the night. Right Ranboo?" She turned to face me.

She was wearing a smile but it seemed like she'd kill me right there if I said no.

"Y-yeah" I shook in fear.

She clapped her hands.

"Great! Now let's go!"

Tubbo didn't even question what had happened and just went with it.

Niki pulled us along back to our house before kicking down the door (not literally).

"We're homeeee! And we have a guest!"

My mom popped her head into the hallway to look at who the guest was.

She didn't seem too happy but went along with it.

"Food's on the table if you'd like some! Make yourself at home"

My mom went back to doing whatever she was doing in the kitchen.

"Are you guys going to eat?"

I shook my head 'no' and so did Tubbo.

"We ate at school"

"Oh alright, more for me. I'll join you guys in your room later after I eat"

Niki went into the dinning room while me and Tubbo went upstairs to my room.

I immediately jumped on my bed and just laid there.

" wanna listen to music till Niki finishes?"

"Yeah sure"

He walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.

I took out some wired black earphones and handed Tubbo one of the earplugs.

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