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chapter five

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chapter five.

I wake up yelling. Yelling until my throat is dry. Quickly, the door that connects Newt and I's room swings open, the boy running in with worry drawn on his features. He doesn't waste a second before jumping on my bed behind me and wrapping me in a hug. I don't stop thrashing around and yelling for a good few seconds before I calm down, realizing where I am and what's around me. I couldn't shake the visual in my head, Newt's arms feeling like restraints. Actually, as I looked down for a split second to look at them, my mind transformed them into leather ropes, tying me down onto the bed. As my yelling and squirming starts to slow, four others burst into the room. Thomas, Gally, Alby, and Minho.

"Shuck." The Runner mutters, running a hand over his face. Thomas and Alby flood into the room and make their way to my bed where I've calmed down, the only sound in the air being my heavy breathing and their light footsteps. My mind has also calmed down rapidly, though the visuals still fresh in my head. It was just a dream.

"She okay?" Alby questions, looking down at us, Newt's arms still wrapped around me as my hands grip them harshly. The blonde boy mumbles a response to him but I ignore whatever it was as I stare at my lap with wide eyes and shaky breaths. Eventually, the small group leaves.. well all except Thomas. He stands in the doorway before Newt sends him a small nod to tell him to go. He sighs, but obeys as he leaves the opening. Once I gain my bearings, I jump out of the bed. The two of us are practically strangers, even if it feels like we aren't. He jumps up too, concern dancing in his chocolate eyes.

"What?" He breathes, looking at my slightly less distressed state. Why did that feel so normal?

"I don't even know who you are." I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest as some sort of protection. He mumbles something before sighing as well, furrowing his brows. "Do you.. do you know who I am?"

"Well, yeah." He nods confidently. "You're Caroline."

"Wow, I had no idea." I scoff, smiling slightly. "You're Newt. Obviously I know who you are.. but like, really know who I am." His face twists in confusion before realizing. We basically don't know each other and we were just holding each other like my life depended on it.

"Uh.. sorry." He mutters, rubbing the back of his neck. His body then stiffens before ignoring the questions. "So, you and Thomas are starting job training.. to figure out what you'll be. I know two that you aren't gonna be though-"

"Let me guess, a Runner." I raise my eyebrows, slightly sassing the boy .

"Bingo." He says, smiling slightly. "The other one is a Track-hoe."

"Who even came up with that name?" I laugh. "And, why?"

"Um... to protect you." He mumbles, getting embarrased.

we can survive - thomas, the maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now