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chapter nine

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chapter nine.

Dancing in the rain. Something I used to love to do from what I can remember.

As we walked back to their beds, I felt small rain drops hit my forehead, making the memory course through my veins like blood. It felt refreshing, almost. The sound of water hitting the ground, the fresh smell of the rain, and the small warm breeze that would come through and blow my blonde hair back slightly. I smile at the feeling of the moisture on my body, the drops getting harder and more apparent by the second. I could care less whereas the boys are rushing to get under cover. I actually lag behind the group a little just to savor the feeling. I don't know when it may rain next, if ever again.

Finally, we get to the cover and we stand under it as we watch the curtains of rain fall. I look over to Thomas who is intently watching as the drops hit a puddle nearby the hut and he has a few hairs sticking to his forehead from being wet. Some others are sticking up, looking unkempt, from drying from the previous contact with the rain water. As I study the boy more, I see small dried rain drops on his red cheeks and I smile slightly. The small details of someone are something to savour forever. As I turn my head to look back at the water falling, I get the urge to run out in it and be myself, not caring who watches.

I don't want to be by myself however. I could take Thomas. I narrow my eyes before looking back to the boy, who is now looking at me. We lock eyes and I nod to the rain, smiling. He furrows his brows before realizing what I mean. He squints his eyes before making his way over to me.

"Wanna go?" I ask, a teasing smirk on my face. He studies me for a quick second before copying my face.

"Sure." He responds. As soon as the singular word leaves him mouth, I take his hand and run out into the rain. Who cares if we ruin our clothes? They'll dry, plus we have more. Once we're a little further from the hut I lift his arm above my head and spin, the both of us immediately laughing. I then do the same to him but with my arm, and spin him as well. Once he spins back around, he has a big smile on his face and I'm sure I'm mirroring his expression. I drop his hand suddenly and he looks almost offended at the lack of contact, and I start to run away. He understands what I'm doing and chases off after me, the two of us sprinting to the woods.. because that's the way I took.

I can hear Newt calling my name from the hut but I could care less. This is the most alive I've felt.. well since I can remember. That seems to be a common theme. 'From what I remember.' As I sprint towards the woods, I can hear puddling splashing right behind me, indicating that Thomas is close. I dare to look back as my sopping hair whips my face and I see him almost right up on me. I let out a loud laugh as I turn my head to face where I'm going again. Before I can go much further however, I feel strong arms wrap around my core and I squeal as I'm picked up from the ground.

I hear him laugh from behind me as he keeps me above the wet ground and he turns around to start back to the hut. I can't contain the laughter that bubbles out of me as he walks back. I can only imagine how dumb this looks to the other Gladers, but I don't care. I'm happy. Finally after a few more steps, he slows his place and slowly lets me slide down his tall frame. Once my feet are on the ground again, I turn around and we're almost chest to chest. He has to remember if he's acting like this, right?

we can survive - thomas, the maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now