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chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen.

"Okay." Thomas nods. "Let's go."

With those words, we set off to the opening of the walls. As we get closer to the opening, our group takes off in a run. Finally, with Minho, Thomas, and I leading, we reach the transition from grass to cement. I pause suddenly, and thankfully no one was behind me. I skid to a stop as I look through to the Maze. I can feel my stupid hands start to shake again and I clench my jaw. I wish my hands would stop. As I'm looking through, the others notice that I stopped. I then glance down to my hand and immediately bring my nails to my thigh and dig my nails into the skin to make them stop shaking. Thomas wastes no time before running over to me, blocking me from the groups view. He then takes my hand away from my thigh and instead places it in his, squeezing it in reassurance.

"You don't have to come." He mumbles, so only I can hear. I then quickly snap out of my trance and shake my head, looking up to him.

"No, no." I decline. "I'm fine. I can do it."

"You sure?" He asks with furrowed brows. I squeeze his hand back quickly before nodding as a 'yes.' "Alright."

"Sorry guys." I mutter as I pass the boys, stepping onto the concrete. "Let's do this."

And then we all step foot into the Maze. Hit the ground running, if you will. Minho leads our group since he memorized the path there already. As we run in a group, the sun starts to go down. I take in a breath as I notice this, praying that we don't get trapped in here for another night. If we could hardly do it with three of us, six of us would be worse, especially if these people aren't Runners. Once we finally reach the hallway that we were running to, we all skid to a stop at the visual of Griever legs sticking out of the closed wall. Thomas and I share a look and I clench my jaw before Minho walks forward, us following. As we get closer, we really see the details. Griever flesh, oil that almost looks like blood, along with the awful oily smell, stronger than last night.

"That's disgusting." Zart grumbles from behind me.

"My thoughts exactly." I wince, crossing my arms over my chest in slight discomfort.

"Hey, there's something in there." Thomas states as he leans slightly forward to get a better look.

"You mean besides a Griever pancake?" Frypan asks, scrunching his face up in disgust. Then, we hear faint rumbling coming from the machine, but Minho doesn't care as he shares a look with Thomas and walks towards it.

"Woah, woah, woah. Wh- what are you doing?" Zart stumbles, voice full of concern. The Runner doesn't respond as he then sticks his arm into the wall to try and retrieve what ever may be inside the Griever. Our group watches intently as he doesn't find anything, so he goes deeper. All of a sudden, the leg that's closest to Minho juts out and starts clanking around, making all of the legs then do the same. I flinch heavily at the action and jump back into Thomas, who wraps a hand around my waist to keep me steady. My breathing quickens before the legs finally stop moving and I let out a deep breath.

we can survive - thomas, the maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now