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chapter eighteen

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chapter eighteen. (again, no correlation, but i had to add it LOLL)

I watch intently as the sun rises in the Glade sky quickly, annoucing our single night in the Slammer is finally over. I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. Thomas got around two hours of sleep before waking up a little bit ago. Currently, we're waiting for Minho to come let us out and for our career of Running to begin. As my gaze focuses on a random stone in the wall, I hear footsteps approaching the Slammer and let out a sigh of relief before standing up, seeing Minho on his way to us. He makes it over quickly, immediately kneeling down and smirking at us.

"Big day, Greenies." He smirks. "You guys sure you don't wanna sit this one out?"

"Just get us out of here." I groan, walking over to the door.

"Alright." Minho smiles before undoing all of Gally's intricate knots. "Aaand, you're freed."

"Finally." I breath before quickly hoisting myself up out of the Pit, not needing help. "I feel like I haven't sleep in forever."

"Slim it on the dramatics." Minho snaps jokingly. "You had a whole night."

"And I took about maybe an hour out of it to sleep." I cock my head to the side, raising my brows.

"I got probably two." Thomas states, hoisting himself into the Glade as well. I nod in affirmation as he walks over to me, stretching his back out. "Not exactly the most comfortable sleeping spot."

"Okay, stop complaining. It's called a punishment for a reason, Greenies." Minho speaks, holding his hands in the air, motioning for us to stop talking. "Okay, time for your very one Runner apparel." While saying 'Runner apparel, he wiggles his fingers as fake sparkles, making me laugh a little bit. "Come on."

❃ ❃ ❃

After getting our own Runner vests, stuffing them with water, food, and weapons, we starting on our way to the walls, which are about to open. We also got a digital watch each, which has already proved to be helpful. I hate not being able to not check the time. As we walk, I look down to my shoes, which were replaced by Runner boots, and watch as I step. I then start thinking back to my dream with Will and Aris, wondering if I'll ever see them again. I hope. We finally reach the transition of grass to cement in front of the walls, and I take one last glance of my morning dew covered boots before raising my head to look at the gray walls, which have just now started to open.

I take a deep breath as anxiety courses through my veins and I can feel my heart beat raising. I ignore it though, pushing my fear down. I can do this. I don't even realize my nails digging into my thigh until I feel a small pull on my left hand, and I look down to see Thomas pulling my hand away from the skin. I feel the blood rush to my cheeks instantly before Minho lets out a shout.

we can survive - thomas, the maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now