Part 2.

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70 years have passed since the last time I´ve been in Mystic Falls. I couldn´t go there, not now I started a new life. Not after what I had put my loved ones through. But this time I had to, because Jeremy´s funeral was today. I was happy that he got to spend a long live, without all those crazy vampires interfering. Jeremy and I met up every 5 years, I couldn't stand being away from him, but he got along well, and that kept me strong. My desire to see Stefan, Bonnie, Tyler, Caroline, Matt and and Damon was so strong and it made my heart ache to even think about them but I didn´t want to start all over again, not now I was getting happy about my new life.

I stared at my reflection in the half broken mirror. I hadn´t aged a day since I turned, like duh. My hair was still blonde but I got rid of the contacts, they were hurting too much. I was hoping no one would notice me. Not that anyone would except my friends, cause all the founders were long gone and wouldn´t have noticed me not aging, but still it felt weird.. What if my friends didn´t recognize me? What if they really had forgotten about me, like I wanted them to? I don't know if I would be happy with that or not. I wore a black dress and black high heels. Just like everyone probably would. I was fairly sure I wouldn't run into Damon or Stefan today, after all why would they have stayed in Mystic Falls? Damon never liked it here, he liked the big cities unlike Stefan. But I always hoped they would've stayed together somehow, comforting each other. I pulled my hair back in a tight ponytail and put on my coat. I was staying in a motel just outside Mystic Falls and if I hadn't had my super speed I would have to take a cab, but hey I'm a vampire now and I finally got used to it. So while I was running through the woods, everything came back to me. I smelled the woods, and they smelled like home and it felt like I was coming home again and that made me feel good. But as soon as I approached the graveyard my heart stopped. I wasn't just visiting, I was coming to say goodbye to Jeremy, my only family left and now he was gone, I had no one. I felt tears clouding my vision and I tried to blink them away. I've missed my little brother so much, and it is my own fault I haven't seen him in so long. I walked up to the church near the graveyard where the ceremony would begin soon. I didn't see any one I know and I felt some weight falling off my shoulders. I chose a seat in the back and tried to hold back the tears while all kinds of memories were trying to crush me, but I wouldn't give in. This day was about Jeremy, and I would be strong for him because I knew he would have wanted that. When I felt relieve flowing through my body because none of my friends were here, I saw an old man going to sit next to me. At first I didn't recognize him, but when I saw his eyes and his still boyish features it hit me. 'Matt,' I whispered. He stared at me with a strange look, his eyes looked sad and he looked like he was about to breathe his last breath. 'Do I know you?' he asked me, his voice full of suspicion. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen in my seat, my eyes piercing into his, hoping I would find a glimpse of the old Matt, the younger Matt who I called my best friend. I shook my head, realizing what I was risking. 'Sorry, you just looked familiar.' I quickly said. He gave me a strange look and then the ceremony began. I knew this was the hardest part, cause now the family members would have to walk in, but as far as I knew, Jeremy and I hadn't had any family left, our friends were our family. The doors opened once again, and I saw my old friends coming in. I felt my heart break when I saw their faces. Bonnie was the same age as Matt was, but Caroline, Tyler and Stefan all looked the same. Well not really. Yeah their futures looked the same, but the pain was carved on all their faces. I almost didn't recognize Stefan, his eyes once so full of life, looked like they had lost all their power and just looked dull.. Like the eyes of a puppet, it scared me. What has happened to them..

'And now, Ms. Bennett is going to say some words before we leave to the graveyard.' Said the priest. Bonnie walked up to the stage, her voice trembling as she tried to speak. I saw her bite her lip trying to push the tears away. 'I had prepared a speech, to tell you about my life together with Jeremy. But it all seems so.. meaningless now. You all know what kind of person Jeremy was. He was the caring type, always looking out for others instead of himself. I loved him with every fiber in my body.' She whipped away her tears and waited a moment, looking around the room. She met my eyes, and for a second I saw some kind of recognition flashing through her eyes, but as soon as it came, it disappeared. 'Jeremy had only one family member left, his sister Elena. But she left us many years ago, and only a few of us will remember her. But he was just like her, and I know that if she could, she would have been here today. I'd like to think they are together now. He loved her so much, like she loved him.' I couldn't stop the tears from falling and I felt Matt looking at me, but I couldn't meet his gaze. I felt devastated, just like I felt when I just left Mystic Falls. Bonnie kept on speaking but I didn't hear it anymore. When I finally got myself together Bonnie had just finished her speech and walked together with Caroline, Tyler and Stefan to the graveyard. I almost ran out but when I walked past Matt he got a hold on my wrist, his hands were wrinkly and felt old, I didn't recognize the feel of his hands, his hands once so soft and gentle. 'I thought you were dead.. Stefan and Damon.. They said you were dead!' he whispered, his voice shaking. 'I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about.' My voice was shaking too, not sounding as confident as I wanted. 'I´ve missed you so much..' I tried to look surprised and annoyed but all I could do was stare at him, keeping myself from jumping in his arms. 'I think you might mistake me for someone else , sorry but I have to go now.' I succeeded in keeping my voice steady and tore my gaze away from him and desperately looking at the exit, I was so close. Careful not to hurt his old body, I removed myself from his grip and I could hear him suck in a sharp breath but he didn't say anything else. I fled, once again but I didn't leave. I kept my distance from the other people but I was close enough to see what was happening, Jeremy was lowered into the cold ground where he would be staying. I felt myself getting sick and tears were stinging in my eyes, not for the first time today. 

The funeral was done, and I waited until everybody was gone so I could say my goodbye to Jer. It was getting dark already and the wind dried my tears. I kneeled down to the grave. 'Hey Jer, it's me.' Of course there was no response from him, but something inside of me said he could still hear me. 'It's been a while. I've missed you.' I managed to smile through my tears. 'You can finally see mom and dad again. So hi to them for me.' I never believed in ghost or faith or something like that, but when I looked up to the sky I saw a falling star and I somehow knew it was his way of telling me he was still here, looking over me. 'Goodbye Jer,' I whispered to the sky this time, hoping he could hear me, though I also did it for myself, I needed some way of closure. 'Please forgive me for putting you through all of this, sorry for ruining your life. I love you and never meant to hurt you. I'll see you soon.' I whipped away my tears and let out a shaky sigh. 'Well well, look who came back.'

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