Ben 10 female goth students x Male Reader

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Author(Since the other two werent named I just came up with something.Since Margie looks like Raven,whose real name is Rachel Roth,I gave her real name to Jinx look-a-like.And since Margie is greek name meaning pearl,last girl could be named Anfisa meaning flower.Also this is my third story regarding goths.My first two halves were short but good enough for my earlier days.I dont want to show them in a negative way,far from it,I just dont know much about them apart from the fictional characters.I rewatched the Librarians And the Rule of Three for inspiration but theres only so much.So in conclusion,to anyone participating in the aformentioned social group,any incorrect asumption is purely coincedental.)

We travel again to the mystical place full of wonder.The Friedkin university.In short-a school.A place that much like harsh wildreness is filled with alphas...and the prey. Camera moves through the university until it stops at one of the empty trashcans that for some odd reason have a pair of legs sticking out of them.

The person inside groans from both discomfort and pain.His name is Y/N L/N and he is at the bottom of the schools food chain.He let out another groan that cought the attention of a ppassing student with hood covering her head.She turns around to locate the source of the voice until she spots the legs.She walks over to the trash can and looks inside.


Y/N:Yes?Could you help me out plase?

She moves away and looked from left to right to make sure no one is watching.Her eyes glew pink for a few moments and the same glow surounded and lifted Y/N from the trashcan.

Y/N:Thank you.I dont think we met before.

???:Im Margie.I guess you ran into (Bully name) again?

Y/N:Yeah.Just because Im alittle different than other I always get picked on.


Y/N:Most of the student body consists of jock and beutiful girls.Therere only a handfull of high achievers like me.

Margie seemed to be in deep toughts while Y/N tried his hardest to dust himeself off.

Margie:Come with me.

She grabbed him by his arm and started to pull him away somewhere.She seemed to be for about half of the head taller than him.

Y/N:Where are you taking me?

Margie:Its a secret.

She brought him to the behing of one building with a bush covered wall and she let go of his hand.

Margie:Close your eyes.

Y/N did so and covered them with his hands.

Margie:The eyes will be enough.


He lowered his hands and she moved the bushes away.There was a carving of a gargoyles head with wide open mouth.She pressed the circle inside the mouth which opened a human sized hole next to it.She pulled Y/N inside and led him through tunnels.

Y/N:Are we there yet?

Margei:Were close enough.You can open your eyes now.

Y/N opened them but there wasnt much difference in the dark tunnel.Margie let go of his hands and walked further down the tunnel.Y/N could now follow her on his own. They eventually made it to a cavern that was redecoreted to look more like a spot to hang out.There was a crater the size of a big rubber excercise ball ffrom which fire grew and heated up the place.

There were also large king sized purple bed,a bookshelf, couple of desks and some things he didnt either seen in the dark of didnt recongise. On of of the beds were two girls that always stick to Margie.On was laying on her stomach,other was laying on the pig pillow at the head of the bed.They soon heard Margies footsteps and raised their heads.Initial expression was their everpressent emotionless one but was quickly changed to that of comfusion and disagrement.

Ben10 human girls x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now