Female Bird vilians x Male Reader

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It was and ordinary day in an average city.A completely normal guy was walking through busy town square.People were walking everywhere,it was a wonder he didn't bump into someone.That is until a woman with brown hair and green dress bumped into him.


Y/N:No,it was my fault.I apologize.

He didn't got a good look at her face but he liked how she styled her hair.Next he bumped into a black haired woman in a blue suit.


Y/N:It's OK.

She held a certain air of professionalism around her.Still,what are the odds.He continued walking and he bumped into the third woman.This one with blonde hair,orange skirt and a vest of same color.


Y/N:No problem.

Now it's getting weird.Bumping into three women,not seeing any of their faces and them apologizing first.Must be a full moon.Or it would be had it been night.It was such a nice and sunny day Y/N tought he could take a little shortcut and view the city from a top of one of the buildings.Once he got to the last floor of the closest building,he saw that many others had the same idea.He walked over to the edge and observed his city.

Y/N:Man,what a view.

???:You dont know th half of it.

Change in wind cought everyones attention.An aircraft the size and visage of a small plane,modeled after a dark feathered bird.Three masked figure with wing themed capes jumped of it and startled everyone.All of them had bird themes to their costumes,one orange,blue and green.

Orange bird villianess:Good afternoon everyone.Please hand over your all your valuables and money.Itd be easier for everyone if you just do it.

Y/N flet a little comfused.He thinks he heard of this particular criminal group.But werent they all males.This voice belonged to a female.

Man:Hey arent you supposed to be a guy?

Even with a mask the woman was visibly angry.She took something of her belt and fired it at the mans stomach.He fell to his knees in pain as now visible granpling hook retracted back to the orange bird villianess.

Orange bird villianess:Anymore comments?No?Then hand over your money!

Everyone was lined up with hands full of their money,watches,jewelry etc.Y/N was last in line but that didnt do anything to lessen his worry.When he was the only one left he saw the blue and green bird villianess holding the edges of a big bag filled with their loot.Just as he was about to pour in his belongins,the orange one stopped him with her open palm.

Orange bird villianess:Keep it.And while were at it,well even give you something.

She took out a small ball decorated in her costumes color and tossed it at Y/N.Once it collided with his chest,it burst into smoke and a bunch of ribbons enveloped Y/Ns entire being apart from his eyes up.He looked like a giftwrapped mummy.He started to lose he balance and fell face first into the bag with valuables.Green and blue bird villainesses tied the bag and tossed it onto the plane.They jumped on themselves and the orange leader followed after bowing.

Orange bird vilianess:Thank you all.It's been wonderful stealing from all of you.

The plane took of like a Peregrine falcon and vanished from everyones view.

Timeskip Y/Ns P.O.V.

I wake up to see nothing but darkness.I tried blinking but it all stayed black.Trying to move was also met with faliure.Only thing that I knew for certain was that I was sitting.

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