Female Dr.Animo x Male Reader

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Author:(The second of Bens big time enemies after Vilgax that stretched out across the entire franchise.I was thinking that maybe I could draw her as a mutant animal hybrid but,maybe save that for a sequel.If there would be one.Like with female Sublimino,female Animo will be younger,around 35 but only in the second half.Read and youll find out what I mean.)

Y/N was working late in his laboratory by himself.Scene changes to a small goby fish swimming in water.After opening and closing its mouth a few time,it gets tackled by a venomus Northern mangrove seasnake.

Y/N:Bon appetit Paris,our little Parahydrophis mertoni.Youre gonna need your strenght for the bid day.Soon well learn all about how certain snakes give birth to live young.Only if Alise was here to study you with me.

He moved away from his serpentine dinner date and walkved over to his desk.There he picked up a framed picture of his younger self smiling with a girl his own age that had long brown hair.

Y/N:(Sigh)Alise Jamie Animo.The craziest,most stuborn,persistent girl I ever met.Man I miss her.It was only few years ago that we came here as interns to broaden our horizins.If I could repeat that part of my life,I probably to the same thing all over again.Maybe Id do better on the test.Ah,memories.

The lab began to brighten as clouds took up most of the screen.Swirling around they began to fade away as younger Y/N entered the building.

Y/N:OK Y/N,you got this.Just take a deep breath and relax.

He walked through the halls holding a piece of paper and looking around.Once he saw the doors he was looking for,he went for the doorknob.Only to hit another arm with the same goal.He looked up to see the owner of hand to see a girl his age with a long brown hair in a tail,blue jeans and labcoat over her brown shirt.

???:Im in a hurry,move.

Y/N:I think theres been a misunderstanding,this is Dr.Kellys office and Im his intern.

???:What are you talking about?Im his intern.

Before the argument could escalate any further,the doors opened to show a man in a labcoat,glasses and bolding on the very top of his brown hair.

Dr.Kelly Sr:Ah,how nice that you both arrieved on time.You know,I have a son thats somewhere your age right now.

???:Dr Kelly,could you please tell this guy that Im your intern and not him?
Dr.Kelly:Id like to but its every bit as true as it is false.Youre both my interns.


Dr.Kelly:Y/N L/N,meet Alise Jamie Animo.During the twelve months youre going to work under my tutuolage,youre going to work on your team working skills.The world of biology is competative one.Micro,neurobiology,palenthology and many other branches compete to bring the greater contribution to their field.That being said,welcome aboard.

He moved out of the way to let his two interns,who were glaring at one another,inside.

Dr.Kelly:Now,I understand you want to be a veterinarian?

Thinking that he was talking to only one of them they were a bit annoyed and looked at each other.

Dr.Kellly:I can see youre going to be the best friends here.Now,who can help me clean this beakers.

Dr.Kelly showed a sink full of beakers,dirty from various bodily fulids of multiple life forms.They quickly ran the the sink and started washing the beakers while Dr.Kelly sat down on a chair behind them.

Dr.Kelly:Now,while you do that,lets start with an easy animal quiz.Who could tell me the biggest animal and owner of the biggest brain in the animal kingdom?

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