Possessed Gwen and Charmcaster x Male Reader

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Author:(I remember someone suggested another possessed chapter after Possessed Kai but I can't remember who exactly.I documented all conversations in the comments but they got erased.Anyways,I didn't know how to get them possessed that it would differ from last time until I thought to look for something without a theme.Having them both share the green and purple but switched seemed like a nice touch.To lay any strange thoughts to rest,Gwen is 10,Charmcaster 15;even though she always looks older than she really is and the male reader could be 12 1/2 to be in the middle.)

The ever famous RV Rust bucket was strolling down the desert road in relative silence as always between the episodes.On the inside,Ben was playing his Sumo slammers game in the booth because of two reasons.One,he got randomly selected through the gaming system to test out the new expansion pack for free with twelve new skins,four new weapons and over forty new levels for free.The other reasons was that he could wear earphones and ignore the sight at the other side of the RV.Their childhood friend Y/N was resting on the bunk bed with Gwen leaning on his as they shared one of her books.

Ben:Are you two almost done?

Y/N:You have your game and we're not bothering you.

Ben:But you're grossing me out.

Gwen:Just because you don't appreciate an emotional relationship,doesn't mean others don't either. 

Ben:What relationship?You've only dated for few months.

Y/N:Few months more than what you had with that Navajo girl that wanted to make a tourist attraction out of you.Never liked her by the way.

Gwen:Me neither.I told him nothing was gonna happen.

Y/N:I know and I supported you in that.

Ben:Enough with Kai and couple stuff.

Max:Easy kids.We're almost there.This town is very old and they value tradition above all else.So you must be on your best behavior and not touch anything.Especially you Ben.

Ben:Aw come on.Why just me?

Gwen:You do have the shortest attention span here.

Y/N:The only time you touched something and it didn't turn out bad was with Omnitrix.After that,not really.

Max:Anyways,people here believe in strong connection with spirits and similar beliefs.

Y/N:So we should pretend to respect that?


Y/N:What?There's no such thing.It's like palm reading,fortune tellers and seanses.All fake.We fought Ghostfreak before but I don't believe in ghosts.

Max:Try to keep that to yourself when we get there. 

Gwen:And where exactly on the map is this place?

Max:It doesn't matter.With most of our adventures are impossible to guess where we were.

When they eventually reached the town,they found it to be very familiar.It resembled a mixture of the New Orleans from Lucky girl episode and Salem,Massachusetts from A Change of face episode.A bit dull,dark in a simple way;more with an air of tradition and old times instead of horror movie in the beginning,gray and with not many people out and if so,only in small groups here and there.

Max:You kids try to take in the sights while I'll go look for a gas station.We need to be ready before we leave.I'll call you when I'm ready.

Y/N:We'll be waiting.

Gwen:Good thing you weren't caught by that mutant bird too.Otherwise we wouldn't have a phone between us.

Ben:Yet he doesn't let us play on it.

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