Mrs.Jones x Male Reader

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Author:(Surprised right?Since Mr.Jones was never mentioned or shown alongside Mrs.Jones,that would sugest shes a single moother or a widow in some form.I know her sons fascination with Ben is classic child-hero thing,but it could be just Jummy looking for a male role model.So he could use a friend or a brotherly figure that eventually conforts his mother and becomes a fatherly figure.A little story to make everyone happy.)

Jimmy was playing on a empty basketball court outside some building in his classic,Ben 10 jacket and yound male adult.Although,Jimmy was mostly trying to confuse him by moving around the court while the far taller male standing under the basket.

Jimmy:And then he turned into Humnagosaur and completley flattened them.

Y/N:You really need a hoby,you know that?

Jimmy:I dont have time for hobbies.Ben and his team could ask for my hlep again and I have to be ready.

Y/N:Then arent you worried youd miss their call while youre here?

Jimmy:Thats why I have this jacket.Extra pockets.If they call me on my conputer again,the call will be directley transffered to my phone.Plus,mom says I need a healthy activity and Im sick of gymnastics class.

Y/N:Well you can be either nimble,fast of strong.Stick to what your body was built for.And speaking of your mother,you did tell her about us hanging out,right?

Jimmy:Yeah.I told her about you when you rescued me from those bullies that listen to that Will Harangue guy.Why?
Y/N:Well,shed surely be worried how you,someone glued to their computer all day,leaves the house every so often without telling her.Shed have every right to worry about you.

Jimmy:(Groan)Now you even sound like her.I told her I was meeting with your for sports.How else do you think I got out of gymnastics class?Anyways,its her fault for making all that food and cookies.Is she wasnt so good in the kitchen,I wouldnt have to do gymnastics.

Y/N:Your body needs to grow.You just have to make sure you maintain the right sustance.Dont under or overdo your meals.Before you know it,the growthspurts gonna sneak up on you in your puberty and leave stretchmarks.

Y/N:Its a sudden growth.Your body needs time to adjust.Thats why right diet and enough exercise here and there is important.

Jimmy:Why do grownups always turn boring?Is there some law that doesnt let you be fun past eighteen years.

Y/N:Yep.Its called consequences and responsibility.The harshest punishment a child cant imagine.You get to drive a car,but you have to pay for its maintance and fuel.Thats how they trick you into wanting to grow up.They offer you something that sounds cool and make it into a chore.

Jimmy:Oh Im definetley looking into that conspiracy theory.Maybe ForeverDuke can help me.

Y/N:Jimmy,I was joking.And whos this ForeverDuke?

Jimmy:Hes a forever knight I skype with and play games online.

Y/N:Let me get this straight.You practically worship Ben Tennyson,the alien hero,but youre buddy-buddy with one of his enemies and an member of biggest antialien organisation on Earth?


Y/N:And thought your hacking into hightech secure files was weird.

Jimmy:Well thats how I met him.Then I found out we play the same online game and wanted to befriend him to get some secrets out of him and help Ben.Turns out,hes pretty cool.

Y/N:Of course.And Im guessing if antialien vikings or romans show up,youre organise a big three person chess match.

Jimmy:Thats be so awsome!But I still dont get the rules.

Ben10 human girls x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now