Reading Yn's Mind

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You are in a meeting and Tony is calling your name.

Tony: yn, yn , YN!! Wanda can you read yn's mind and show us please

Wanda: sure. She is probably thinking about someone. Let's see who.

Wanda reads your mind and shows everyone

Yn's mind: It is like your screaming, and no one can hear,

Shows a picture of Steve: you're the problem yn, you're always the problem.

Steve looks down

Then there is a picture of you just standing in the darkness alone crying

Yn: I stopped worrying about me a long time ago.

Everyone is looking down with tears in their eyes

Bucky: What the hell is wrong with you?

Yn: too much that is the problem isn't it? Too much is wrong with me. I am what is wrong if I am not hurting myself I am hurting everyone around me.

Wanda exits your mind.

Everyone: OMG

Everyone rushes over to yn and gives them a hug.

Nat: we are so sorry yn. Please talk to us if you ever need anything, ok.

Yn: ok.


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