Protecting Loki

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You were on a trip with the 2 gods and you knew that this was not going to end well so that is why you went. You were having an amazing time until Thor and Loki started to get into a fight.

Thor: Why would you do that?

Loki: Do what?

Thor: why did you try and kill so many

You knew that this was a sensitive topic for Loki and that he felt guilty for what he did.

You were watching as they were arguing, seeing where it was going until Thor grabbed Loki by his collar and raised his hand to hit him.

At this point you have stepped in and pulled them apart.


You make him sit on the other end of the ship.

You then give a soft smile to Loki

Yn: By the way, you're safe with me.

Loki comes up and just gives you a hug

Loki: thank you


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