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fuck boy - chapter nine

as the sun went up, the couple inside the room were peacefully sleeping. the younger one used the older one arm as his pillow, face was buried to his chest and hugging his waist tight. while the older one's arm was thrown at the younger's shoulder.

jaemin groaned as the light hit his face again, he frowned and tightened his hug, which made him stop and slowly open his eyes.

"getting comfortable hugging me, aren't we?" the older asked in a husky voice.

"my head hurts, jeno. don't tease me." he hissed and got up from the bed.

"do you want me to make soup?" jeno asked worriedly as he also got up from the bed.

"you can?" he asked and looked at him.

"i can even watch it on youtube or just deliver food." he shrugged.

"let's just cook ramen," jaemin said and lay back on the bed again.

"okay, wait me here." and he stood up, making his way out of the room.

jaemin was now staring at nowhere, he was now regretting his decision last night for drinking so much alcohol.

he rolled over from the bed and suddenly smelled jeno's smell, it was really addictive for him. if he can just borrow jeno's hoodies or clothes, he will not hesitate to do that.

"food is here, baby."

"i have a name, nono." he hissed and got up from the bed.

"okay, love." he smirked.

he didn't speak anymore and just got the chopsticks so he could start to eat. jeno also eats together with him.

"you didn't drink a lot last night?" he asked since jeno looks normal right now.

"i drink some but my alcohol tolerance wasn't that low, unlike you." he replied, which made him pout.

"as if i flirt with those men, and i always choose to drink the alcohol instead of doing the dare." he reasoned.

"did you guys play last night?" jeno asked, making jaemin nodded.

"yeah, poor donghyuck who suddenly got picked up by his husband after sending a naked picture of him to mark." he chuckled.

"wonder why mark left early last night," he also let out a chuckle. "tell some more, love. i will listen." he smiled.

it made him heat up, he bet his face looks tomato right now. it was new that someone was willing to listen about his life.

and of course he did, he told every detail that happened last night and jeno was listening to it. nodding his head, laughing every time jaemin tells about those embarrassing things that happened.

"didn't jaehyun also get invited last night?" he asked curiously.

"he arrived late since he has important plans with taeyong." jeno said.

"ooh, i also want to invite taeyong hyung but i'm scared." he pouted.

"you know, let's finish this food already. we still have a work." and he caressed jaemin's face.

he smiled and finished his food, they would probably be late to come work again.

"do you have plans today?" jeno asked as both of them walked downstairs.

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