Miyagi-Fuck-Do part 1

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Before y'all start reading, most these oneshots are NOT MINE, some of them are my favorite ao3 reads of this ship and they belong to their rightful owner

author: Jackonthelongwalk

Demetri and Hawk get caught doing something nasty in the dojo, or Miguel watches them fuck, or someone catches them.
Each chapter is about the boys fucking and getting caught in some capacity.

The Miyagi-Do kids were NOT happy about the merging with Eagle Fang this was the last thing they wanted to do. Having Miguel join them was fine Miguel was cool, and they all felt a little twang of guilt about Robby breaking his back but that didn't mean they were okay with people like Hawk coming in to their sacred space, a place where balance and using defensive techniques in a fight were uplifted not the promotion of attacking and borderline maiming your opponent in a fight. Hawk was dangerous, unhinged and cruel having his at their dojo, to ruin the serenity was not something most took lightly.

Chris was feeling particularly conflicted Mitch was here now and they were able to reconnect share their fears and grow together but Mitch had also been following Hawk around, activity participating in the mayhem he had caused and that was worrying.

Sensei Larusso  gently opened the silkscreen French doors which lead to the inside Dojo at Miyagi-Do, taking in the group before him, a strong group, after the events of the previous night when the Cobra Kai's had very nearly destroyed his whole house he couldn't help but feel pride, each kid in this group worked hard to hold their own. His eyes swept the group again looking at how their faces where changing, the gate rattled open and in swooped the Eagle Fang students, he could see the admiration spread across his daughters features  at the sight of Miguel, the kid was a strong, he recovered from his injury with mental strength something Daniel found commendable, of course he had help from Johnny which only improved the light in which Daniel saw the other sensei. Streak of red quickly trailed after Miguel. Hawk, a nasty fighter though Sam had informed her father he had flipped the script during the fight and helped Demetri, Sam had also mentioned in passing that this Hawk was merciless  bullied by that idiot of a young man or rather a young boy Kyler previously. Johnny had said the boy was "on some kind of spectrum" though it was hard to figure out what that meant as Johnny was telling him this while piss coloured beer was dribbling down into his scruff at the bar.

Daniel knew what it meant in an indistinct sort of way, but at least he had an idea. Hawk brushed by Sam and Miguel making minimal eye contact with Daniel, which he understood might have something to do with being on said spectrum. What he had a harder time grasping was how effortlessly Demetri his student who had come so far, became balanced leaving his neurotic behaviour behind greeted spikey haired boy, clapping him on the shoulder, holding his hand for a moment that seemed to linger longer then pertinent for a person who had cruelly snapped the others arm just a few months prior. Intrigued Daniel maintained his gaze on the pair, Demetri was stroking his thumb over blood stained knuckles . Daniel nodded his head taking note of this muted display of affection.

The rest of the Eagle Fang kids filled in, falling into the respective places by their old friends. Daniel was basking in it, seeing all these bright young minds coming together to fight Kreese reminded him so of the pride Mr. Miyagi had for him 30 years prior. Johnny came in with purpose they were finally working together to defeat a common enemy, maybe this longwinded rivalry would end.

"you ready?" Daniel said, it wasn't a question it was affirmative

"Let's begin" Johnny called out.

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