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Girl this took way to freaking long to make, i know it doesnt look like it but its because i took like a year or two, maybe even more i lost track AND THEN I CAME BACK, ccrazy. ANYWAY enjoy!!! i hope its decent for yall.


Demetri put on his shoes before walking out the door to see his childhood friend waiting for him in the car. It was the day of the party, the popular kids party. Demetri didn't have anyone to go with since he broke up with Yasmine because he didn't feel like the relationship was working out, but they are still friends you could say, just not as close as they were before.

So Eli offered to go with him since he didn't want to leave his friend alone for basically the most important party of this school year, Eli did have someone to go with of course, he had Moon, but he still invited Demetri because he felt bad and he's his best friend.

Eli asked Moon and everything and she was completely okay with it and explained that shes doing the same by inviting Yasmine, which Demetri didn't know about.

Eli honked at Demetri "Hurry the fuck up man the dance is almost about to start, and moon doesn't wanna be late." Demetri knew he didn't mean it in a condescending way but it still hurt a bit hearing his best friend say that, he's gotten used to his shitty attitude but for some reason it doesn't make his words sting any less.

Of course moon was riding shotgun and Demetri had to sit in the back all alone, he also forgot his phone because he was in such a rush, so he has nothing to get rid of the awkwardly boring car ride to the school. He could've just asked his parents to drop him off like they would if it was a school day but for some reason they didn't want to and especially since it's the weekend they don't want to waste gas, so they told him either ask a friend or just not go at all.

The whole car ride was miserable, it was just moon and Eli fighting over the playlist, Eli smoothly moving his hands down to grip her thighs, moon taking car selfies, Eli's reckless driving.

Surprisingly he thought the car selfies would piss him off more than anything, but it was Eli touching moon that made his blood boil, he's not oblivious as to why since he's basically had a crush on Eli for a while now and it's just gotten worse, the extreme jealousy and pining these past few weeks where literal hell on earth for Demetri.

It sucks when your in love with your best friend and they already have someone so you have no choice but to support them despite how badly you want to be the one with them and be forced to watch from the sidelines, especially when you've been friends with them for so long.

Soon enough they arrived at the house, Demetri now regrets going to the party cause he knows it going to be just like how it was in the car except in a bigger space with more music and lights, and of course Eli and Moon being touchy all night.

Of course Demetri should expect that, they are a couple, but that doesn't change how much jealousy he has stirring inside of him at the sight of them just in the same room, and they don't even have to interact.

Demetri took a deep breath as he looked at the house before him. Loud music booming from the inside indicating the party is very much alive, the only thought going through demetri's head at this very moment is, this is going to be a  very long night.

Eli and Moon stepped on the porch and headed towards the door, Demetri following behind. Eli turns the knob in the door and it opens and held his hand out for moon to grab and he extended his unoccupied hand to gesture her to go inside which she gladly accepts his hand and heads inside, leaving demetri with this sick feeling in his stomach that he feels guilty for having.

Eli/HawkxDemetri smutshotsWhere stories live. Discover now