Miyagi-Fuck-Do part 4

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author: jackonthelongwalk

Summary: Eli and Demetri are trying not to be too loud fucking in the closet at Moon's second party but a group of kids from the Dojo end up catching them away.

Moon was throwing a party and it was the talk of the school that Friday afternoon. Her parents were going out of town and there was a loud buzzing in the air as soon as the news broke. Moon was notorious for throwing Ragers, the food was always interesting, the music set a great vibe and Moon never skimped out on the alcohol and snacks, being a rich girl with very chill parents had a lot of perks.

Everyone who knew anyone who had an invite was begging to go. Moon had much to her own dismay to become much more exclusive about who came to her parties since the last one, that meant absolutely no Cobra Kai's were invited. Moon was so proud of Hawk, he moved on from all that toxic energy and with cleansing himself of that toxicity they were able to grow closer again. Their friendship was a much better success than the attempt at love the previous year. Moon was one of the people who Daniel had actually brought into the dojo to help make some peace between Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang.

Essentially everyone except the Cobra Kia's were invited or were planning to come with a friend who was invited.

Bert and Nate were both bragging to their friends in the hallway

"We both got invited to her last party, it was crazy, we had a dance battle and then the cops showed up seriously totally cool!" Nate was almost running out of breath speaking so quickly. The pair had every right to brag Moon never invited people in the grades below to her parties and this party was no different excluding of course Nate and Bert.

Hawk was jumping off the staircase landing right in front of Sam and Miguel who were speaking in hushed voices

"El Serpienete" Hawk and Miguel did their hand shake, while Sam looked irritated

"What's wrong princess?" Hawk smirked at her "Daddy said you can't go to the party?"

"Hawk come on!" Miguel rubbed Sam back glaring at Hawk.

"alright, alright. Seriously what's wrong?" He looked between the couple confused.

"I'm just worried the Cobra Kai's might show up to Moon's party." she looked up at Miguel, he then tightly smiled at Hawk.

"Why would you think that?" Hawk raised his eyebrows moving in a little closer so he could lower his voice.

"Don't get offended" Miguel added quickly.

"Because it's what Cobra Kai's do, I'm sorry Hawk but when you were with them the dojo and my house were both trashed and I don't want us to ruin Moon's party." she was picking at the side of her nail sighing.

"They aren't going to come and if they do we'll just beat their asses, Princess!" Hawk smirked at her.

"Yeah really helpful." Miguel gave him a dirty look, but that quickly evaporated and a small laugh tumbled out of his mouth. His eyes widening expressively.

They both started laughing hysterically, they could communicate through eye contact and both Demetri and Sam found it very annoying.

Hawk was holding his side a stitch had formed running along him like a jagged zipper, trying to catch his breath

"we need to bring anything for tonight?"

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