Miyagi-Fuck-Do part 2

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author: Jackonthelongwalk

Summary: requested fic that the author made into the second chapter. Miguel watching Demetri fuck Hawk, much teasing involved.

Sam and everyone else at Miyagi-do /Eaglefang had heard about what happened on the day Deremtri and Hawk were set to clean the mats. Daniel was concerned the rumors and stories were going to increase tensions between the merging dojo's but it actually ended up bringing the dojo's together they now all had a common inside joke to share which they were not shy about exploiting everywhere, at the movies as a group, at school, while training the opportunities were truly endless and everyone was taking advantage.

Johnny would absolutely not let up his endless torment and making fun of Hawk, this built his relationship with the Miyagi-do kids they got to know Sensei Lawrence and see how truly hilarious he was, it also helped to see their new sensei relentlessly picking on one of his bets fighters and kids he has a close bond with.

This was a wonderful way to crack the hard wall between the dojo's and let everyone mingle together.

Of course for Hawk students now were coming out of the wood work to ask him questions. At first he thought the younger students were coming to him for skills advice which he was utterly gleeful to give but it was like a massive dog taking a steaming pile of shit in his hair as every time a kid would come up to him and say something like

"Hey Hawk I had a question?" Nathaniel stepped closer so they were only a foot apart

"Sure, do you want to learn the sweeping kick?" he smugly smiled toward the younger fighter

"No, I wanted to ask do you have to train your jaw like you have to train the rest of your body?" he bounced in his spot  tapping his legs with his hands

Eli turned toward Nathaniel facing him "What do you mean?" eyebrow cocked smug smile vanished from his face.

"You have to train you body so we can fight for longer periods of time, I'm just wondering if the same applies for being able to suck Demetri's dick?" Nathaniel popped onto the balls of his feet and ran

Eli dashed after him, jumping over all the foliage in the outdoor dojo was proving difficult, Nathaniel cupping his hands around his mouth shouted "I hear his dick is massive so you must be training pretty hard."

He kept running until he hit the screen door of the indoor dojo, just the screen was closed to prevent any bugs from coming in but served so whichever Sensei was in the indoor dojo could see and hear what was happening outside and a good thing too because Nathaniel was about to lose all of his teeth.

"You're a fucking Corpse Nate." shouted Eli a short distance behind.

Nathaniel, retched the screen door open and was almost dry heaving from the chase. "What the hell happened to you pussy?" Johnny walked toward him clapping the kid on the back.

"joking about Hawk sucking dick and now he's going to murder me. probably throw my body in a ditch." he coughed some more out of breath.

Daniel was sitting in the corner of the room with Miguel discussing the art of balance when he looked up at the scene before him. Hawk was standing outside the screen door seething, face deep set with a scowl, Nathaniel inside the dojo with Johnny standing beside him clapping him on the back, laughing.

Eli/HawkxDemetri smutshotsWhere stories live. Discover now