You didnt get the joke

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author: jackonthelongwalk

Hawk gets jealous over stupid little jokes and fucks Demetri's brains out, or at least tries.

Eli had been training at the dojo for a while now, he and Miguel were becoming inseparable. Which made Eli beam finally both he and Demetri had more people in their lives. The boys decided to go to the movies with Aisha.

Miguel and Aisha were discussing Sam's dad and what to do since Sensei had told Miguel that he hated Cobra Kai.

Hawk was chucking bits of popcorn at people in the row below

"Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai, I'm apart of Cobra Kai. So by the transitive property Sam's dad is gonna hate me." Miguel sighed frustrated.

"Jesus Christ, you're such a nerd." Hawk said smugly tossing another piece of popcorn into the crowd below.

"It's not just in my mind, Sam was acting weird when her dad walked by the other day." He said pointed at Aisha.

"Dude just go over to her house, it's an alpha move!" Hawk butted in

"Maybe I should talk to Demetri about this, he always has a good opinion."

"That's true" Aisha agreed, looking back at the screen, sometimes Miguel just needed a sounding board someone to say "yes, agreed, of course"

"Honestly I think I should just date Demetri we have enough in common, he and Sam are a lot alike and they always say you should date your best friend" Miguel joked sarcastic tone lacing his voice and he glanced at Hawk for a reaction. Sometimes Miguel would see little touches between the two of them and if they weren't going to tell him what was going on he was going to have to be a little detective and find out for himself. The issue was Miguel often forgot that Hawk struggled with jokes like this sometimes. This was indeed one of those times.

Hawk's arm froze mid throw, he looked over at Miguel seething, deep set frown and narrowing eyes. He whipped the pieces of popcorn into the rows below. A random guy yelled at them to stop and the group was silent the rest of the movie. Eli was in a sour mood when they left the theater, Miguel was going to have to do some more digging.

The next morning Miguel and Demetri were doing a P.S.A.T prep class, sitting together Demetri noticed Miguel kept looking at him

"Seriously Miguel what is it?" eyebrow cocked "You've been looking over at me this whole time, the test is almost over." Getting back to finishing off the last bit of his last paragraph.

"Miguel?Really? I can feel your eyes shooting lasers into the side of my head soon you're going to be able to see my jaw bone, what's going on?"

Miguel sighed "I've been having a tough time with Sam and her dad, just karate stuff, you wouldn't be interested. But something else has been bugging me."

"Well spit it out! I need to finish this test and do well, you know, good colleges await me." his tone dripping in condescension. 

"Hawk was acting really weird at the movies the other day, I was joking around about how you and Sam are similar and he freaked out. Gave me this crazy look."

Demetri looked back at Miguel pencil bouncing back and forth between his fingers "The one where he looks like someone just pissed in his morning juice?"

Eli/HawkxDemetri smutshotsWhere stories live. Discover now