C H A P T E R 2 1

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He didn't moved his hand away from my leg the next 15 minutes. He then looked at me again. I nod and smiled. He moved his hand away from my leg, but he grabbed my hand. He just hold it, but I didn't want that he let go off of me, so I squeezed it a bit. He just talked further with the chat. I knew that he noticed what I was about to tell him, but he probably didn't want to show the chat.

"I guess they want you to sing something" I said and grinned. "Well, I can get my guitar real quick" he replied looked at me. I nod happily. I forgot for a short moment that he still hold my hand. He let her go and stood up. As he stood at the door he turned around again. He nod with a questioning look. I guessed that he was making sure I was okay so I nod back and smiled. He smiled back and opened the door. 

"Okay... so. Well, I don't even think I have anything to tell you. Oh, actually Wilbur and me are planning something. It is kinda big but I don't want to tell anything that I'm not even allowed to say" I said and giggled. I took my monster and took a sip. "Also I started playing the guitar now even more. I'm very happy that I could get the time and everything. I don't know it kinda helps me escaping from the... well the here and now, if you know what I mean. I mean I'm actually really happy at the time but it's still nice to have some time to be alone and stuff" I explained and took another sip from the monster before I put it away.

I noticed that the door opened and looked over to it. Wilbur came back and sat next to me. "Okay, do you have an idea?" he asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders. Then I grinned "Losing Face" I said. He nod. "You ready chat?" I asked excited and laughed. The song didn't really fit into the mood of the stream but I really wanted to hear this song now from Will. 

He started playing. When he also started singing I smiled. I really love his voice and it could calm me every time. I started singing as well which made him smile as well. The chat was full of hearts. We ended the song way to quick. "Thank you very much, guys!" I said as we were finished. 


We finished the stream after a few more songs and some more talking. After we were offline I let me sank into my chair. I sighed. Wilbur took my hand which made me look over to him. "What?" I asked. He just looked at me as well "Are you good? You acted a bit... weird sometimes. I was just wondering" "Oh, yeah. It was just the chat. Weird messages and stuff. I don't know they kinda get me. I get them since I streamed with you the first times. I mean I don't want to say that I regret it, but I'm not very good at ignoring it" 

"I'm sorry y/n. I hope that the stream today was fine. I mean streaming shouldn't be anything that makes you done" "Yeah I know. But you helped me a lot today, thank you again for that. I don't know, every time when you are here it is better. We should stream more often" I replied and laughed. "Anyways... we streamed longer than I thought. Are you hungry? Are you going home? Did it even work with your door?" I asked and laughed slightly. He nod "It worked, but probably we could spend the evening together anyways?" He asked while we stand up to go into the living room. "Sure, it is always okay for me" I say and look at him with a smile.


We ordered some food and watched a movie together. After the movie we stayed a bit longer in the living room and spend our time with talking. After 20 minutes he went back home and I went to bed pretty quick cause I was really tired.


The next morning I woke up pretty late. I stood up and went to the bathroom and got ready. I then changed my clothes and headed downstairs. It was kinda weird that I was now alone again at home but I also liked the silence. I went into my kitchen and myself a coffee. While I drank it I sat on my couch and checked my social media pages.

After a while I decided to get my guitar and learn either some songs or just train the ones I already knew. I looked up my Spotify and looked at the songs I really liked and decided to learn 'Take me out' 'cause I was listening to it very much the last time. The text was pretty easy and the notes were also not that complicated. I sat for about one and a half hour on my couch. I only  stopped with playing because my fingers started to hurt. 

I also noticed that I was quite hungry so I looked for some food, but I had nothing so I quickly cooked something. 


When it was a bit later I could motivate myself to do some sport. After I finished my workout I took a shower. I also streamed that day. It was more a 'just chatting' stream but I still played the game 'Stardew Valley' again. I streamed until like 11pm. I then ended my stream and went to bed. Even though I was really tired I couldn't sleep. I noticed the last time very often how I thought about Wilbur and me. I noticed how I was slowly falling in love with him. 

I probably loved him a bit before but the feelings got bigger and bigger. The only problem was that I had no idea what he was thinking. I lay in my bed for about two hours before I finally fell asleep.


(1010 words)

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- Luma  

Wilbur Soot x Reader /// The fifth Lovejoy memberWhere stories live. Discover now