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We were at the beach until 8pm. Afterwords we went back to Will's place where we started to discuss what we could eat. 

"Okay, I would be okay with order something, but I would also cook something" I said. "I don't really wanna cook" Tommy said where Tubbo agreed with a nod. I giggled and looked at Jack and Phil. "I could help cooking" Jack said. "I don't know how much people you need, but I would help as well" Phil said. I nod and looked at Niki. "I would help you" she said. "Okay, then we three would cook, I don't think we gonna need your help Phil, but thank you" I said and smiled. 

Once we decided that we cook something everyone started to discuss what exactly. This time I didn't said anything and just waited until I knew what we should do. I lay my head on Will's chest and looked at everyone talking. I was kinda tired and yawned. Will lay and arm around my shoulder. I smiled and closed my eyes, but Niki already called me a few seconds later.

"y/n? Can we start now?" she asked. I opened my eyes again and nod "Yeah wait a second" I said. She nod and stood up. She and Jack already went into the kitchen, while I still lay on the couch. After a while Will started to stroke my arm. "y/n? I think Niki and Jack are waiting for you" he said softly. I looked up to him. I nod and stood up. I quickly walked over to the kitchen where I already saw Niki and Jack preparing everything.

"Sorry, I can help now too" I said and stood next to Niki. She nod and smiled "Do you know already what we are cooking?" she asked. I shook my head. She quickly showed me the recipe. "Okay sounds nice. What should I do?" I asked. "Uh... wait a second. I think you could cook the noodles, then I would cut all of things we gonna need" she explained. I nod and smiled "Okay, no problem" 


We cooked for nearly 45 minutes until the food was finally ready. I was starving and also pretty tired so I was happy we could eat now. We decided to sit at the table this time, which was quite weird, since I never eat at a table. Normally I always eat while stream or while I watch a movie.

We sat all down and started eating. We had a quite nice conversation and I was once again really happy to be a part of this meet up. "Okay hear me out, what if we would stream together? Just a small stream" Tommy suggested. I looked at Wilbur since we had to stream in his room then. He shrugged "I don't really care. I just don't think that it would work that well with everyone since my room is not that big" he said. 

"But I think it is a good idea. It could be really fun" Niki said. I nod agreeing "Yeah that's true. Also everyone watching it would be freaking out" I said and giggled a bit. "Okay let's try it out then" Wilbur said. Tommy seemed happy that his idea was a good one. "Okay I'm quickly putting all the stuff away, you can go upstairs already" I said. "I can help you if you want to" Niki offered but I shook my head "No I'm fine but thank you very much" 

We all stood up. They all walked upstairs while I grabbed all the plates and the cutlery and put it into the kitchen. I then quickly cleaned the table and walked upstairs as well. I quickly headed into Wilbur's room. Wilbur and Tommy sat in front of the computer, while Niki, Jack, Tubbo and Phil either sat on the bed or just stood behind Tommy and Will. I sat criss legged next to Niki on the bed. I put out my phone and opened Instagram. 

I scrolled a bit on my for you page and liked some pictures of people I knew. After a while I put it away again and looked at everyone. Tommy and Will were arguing about something, while Niki, Tubbo and Jack seemed to have a nice conversation. "What are you talking about? I didn't listen the last few minutes" I said and chuckled. Tubbo quickly explained their conversation and we continued to talk.

After a few more minutes Tommy finally told us that he could start the stream now. "Okay then let's go!" I said and laughed. Tommy nod and clicked the 'go live' button. I saw that we streamed on Tommys account, so there wasn't really a intro, just a 'starting soon' screen. After a while he actually started the stream. 

"Welcome back everyone to my stream!" he said loudly. "Hey Chat!" I yelled and laughed. "Hello Chat!" Will and Niki said at the same time. I chuckled a bit. "You see we are a few people here" Tommy said and looked at us for a short moment. Then he turned back around again. "You can look forward to see some cool vlogs of course! It's gonna be awesome" he said then. 


We streamed how we wanted just for nearly 45 minutes. After that we decided to watch a movie, so we went downstairs and started to discuss which movie we should watch. While they already started their discussion I sat down on the couch. Wilbur was right behind me and sat next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder and yawned. "Are you already tired?" he asked. "A bit, yes" I answered. He patted my head "It's fine" he said which made me chuckle. 

The others also came to us and sat down somewhere where there was still some place. Niki sat next to me like always, Phil sat in the armchair. Tommy, Tubbo and Jack sat on the ground. I felt a bit bad for them. They turned on the Tv and searched after the movie. "Oh no, why a horror movie?" I asked. Tommy turned around to me "Are you scared?" he said and chuckled. "Oh shut up you little Bitch" I said with a annoyed look. 

"It's fine y/n, calm down. It's just a movie" Will said so I looked over to him. I sighed "Okay fine" I said and lay my head on Will's chest. He giggled a bit but wrapped his arm around my shoulder. They started the movie. I was kinda scared since I hated jump scares and hoped that it was a movie with not much of them. 

It turned out that the movie was actually okay and not as bad as I thought. After the movie was over we decided to watch another one. Luckily for me this time not a horror movie. 


I got really tired halfway through the second movie. After I nearly fell asleep three times I sat up. "God I'm fucking tired. I think I'm going to bed now, I'm sorry" I said. "Oh actually?" Niki asked. I nod "Yeah, I don't know why I'm already that tired. However good night everybody" I said and walked over to the stairs. "Good night y/n" Tommy said and waived. I giggled a bit and walked upstairs. 

I headed quickly into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get changed. Once I was ready I walked over into Wilbur's bedroom and lay in bed. Before I actually slept I scrolled a bit through my Tik Tok for you page. After ten minutes I put my phone away again and fell asleep pretty quickly. 


I woke up the next morning at 10am. Since I was in bed pretty early last night it didn't surprised me at all. I sat up and yawned before I turned around to look at Will. He was still asleep. I stood up and walked downstairs because I was really thirsty. I headed quickly into the kitchen, without wanting to wake anybody up. 

I quickly got a glass and filled it with water. I drank it really fast and went upstairs again. It seemed as I was quiet enough and didn't woke anybody up. As I walked back into Wilbur's bedroom I lay back next to him. I also closed my eyes again and fell asleep after a few minutes again.


I woke up because of Wilbur. He woke me up by simply stroking my arm. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Good morning. It's already 11.51pm" he said. I sat up and nod "How can I sleep that long? I was early in bed last night" I said and giggled a bit. "I don't know" he answered and chuckled as well. 

I stood up and went quickly into the bathroom where I got dressed. Once I was ready I walked back to Will who also got dressed. After I entered the room Will walked up to me. I stood still at the door and just looked at him. As he stood right before me he placed on hand next to me at the door and leaned down. I smirked. A second later he kissed me. 

It didn't took long until one of us turned it into a french kiss. We stood there for a while where we just kissed. Then someone knocked at the door. 


(1558 words)

Sorry for this weird uploading schedule I hope you still enjoy reading:)

- Luma

Wilbur Soot x Reader /// The fifth Lovejoy memberWhere stories live. Discover now