C H A P T E R 4 1

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We spent a few more hours at my place with talking and just staying on our phones. At 6pm Wilbur decided to go back home.

Since I hadn't ate anything that day I was pretty hungry and decided to make myself some food. I decided to make a quick and easy dish and to eat it while watching a series. I wasn't really in the mood to do something productive today.


The next morning I woke up because my phone rang. I quickly grabbed it and accepted the call without even looking who had called me. "Hello?" I asked. "Good morning y/n. Do you have anything to do today?" Wilbur asked me. "Uhh, no I don't think so, why?" "I'm in the studio today so if you have time, we could record the song" he explained. 

I smiled "Yeah of course, that would be great! So, any time when I should come to he studio?" "Well, I'm already here and probably gonna stay the whole day, so it's basically not important when. Just text me when you're coming" he replied. "Alright, see you later then" "Yes, bye darling" he said. I blushed and hung up.

I stayed in bed a little longer. At 11am I stood up and walked into the bathroom to get ready. Once I was ready I walked downstairs and made myself a coffee, which I drank while I was on my phone. I also tweeted something since a while now, just to tell my followers I was okay.

Since I had nothing to do before going to the studio I decided to record a new YouTube video since I hadn't uploaded one the last time. I quickly walked upstairs and turned my pc on. I then opened Minecraft. I thought for a moment what I could play and ended up playing Bed wars again.


At 3pm I finished recording the video. I decided to cut it another time, so I turned my pc off again. I headed into my bedroom and changed my clothes into a black skinny jeans and a black crop top. On top of that I put a white shirt.

I walked downstairs again and put on my shoes. I put out my phone and texted Will.


me: hey, do I need my guitar?
Wilbur: I don't think so, you can have Joe's
me: alright I would start walking to the studio now
Wilbur: okay bye<3


I put my phone in my pocket and got my keyes. I then walked out and made my way to the studio, which was just ten minutes away from my place.


When I arrived I didn't know what to do, so I texted Will to tell him that I arrived.


me: I'm here and don't know what to do
Wilbur: i'm coming


I waited a bit until Will came and opened the door. "Hey, thanks for opening the door" I said and giggled. "No problem, but why didn't you just rang the bell?" he asked and smirked. He then let me in. I quickly walk in and he closed the door behind me.

"Well, I didn't knew where. I just thought it would be easier if I just text you and, well, it worked I guess" I said and walked into the room with the two couches and the window to the other room. Ash, Joe and Mark were in the other room and played something. "Are you working on the album?" I asked and sat down. He sat down next to me. "Yeah, we actually wanted to talk with you as well" he said.

"Oh, really? About what?" I asked confused. "We will tell you don't worry. Should we start then?" he asked. I nod "But what is with the others? Aren't they still playing?" "Yeah, but they're just trying some things, they can't record without me. I play the guitar" he said. "Right, I could've guessed" I said and giggled.

Wilbur stood up and walked into the other room. Then he walked back with the others. "Hey y/n!" Mark said. "Hi, how are you?" I asked. "I'm good" Mark answered. "Hi y/n" Joe said as he sat down. "Hey" I said and smiled. 


(just to mention I have no clue how it works to record a song, so lets just pretend it takes not long okay lmao)

We had finished our song pretty quickly. After we were ready we just sat together and chatted a bit. "So, Wilbur told me you wanted to tell me something" I said. "Oh yeah... uh... how do I say that?" Joe said a bit hesitant. He seemed to be very overwhelmed with the situation. 

"Well, we really like your voice and think that it sounds pretty good together with Will's, so we thought we could ask you if you want to join our band?" Ash asked. My eyes widened and I froze. I was really overstrained. I nod a bit hesitant and smiled. "Yeah of course, I'd love to!" I said. The others smiled as well "That's great!" Joe said.

"I'd say we should toast it, but I think that wouldn't be good for my body, or pretty much our body's" Mark said and laughed. "You're probably right" Wilbur replied. "Holy shit, that's really cool, I can't really realize that I'm now officially a part of Lovejoy" I said. I was not only happy because of me being in the band, I was also happy that Ash seemed to feel comfortable enough in front of me to speak. 


We continued the day with simply talking. After a while Wilbur suggested to sing something again. I was really excited. "Yeah I would love to!" I said. We all stood up and walked into the other room. Everyone got their instruments and me and Wilbur also our microphones. When they started playing something I recognized it really quick.

I smiled immediately and vibed with it. They played '505'. They seemed to remember that I liked the song. When it was time to sing, Wilbur and me both got our mission. I had a lot fun again and I was even happier, because I knew, that this would become a everyday thing for me in the future. 

We ended the song way to quick so I tried to persuade the others to play another one. Surprisingly they agreed so they started playing 'Perfume'. It was the song we played while Tommy was here as well. I liked the song, it was really good.


I stayed at the studio for about two more hours before I decided to go back home. I said my goodbyes to everyone and stood up. I walked down the hallway and nearly reached the door, but Wilbur called me. 

I turned around and looked up to him with a confused look. He cleared his throat. He seemed really nervous so I grabbed his hand to calm him down a bit. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked softly. He chuckled quietly. "I... uh, I wanted to ask you something" he said slowly. "Okay, what is it? Just tell me" "So, I know that you just moved in a few weeks ago to your new house and you probably fell comfortable in your new home. But I thought I could ask you anyways... do you want to move in with me?" he asked. 

I stared at him for a while. I wasn't in my mind but I still wasn't in the here and now. I snapped out of my thoughts because of Will who called me over and over again. "I- holy shit Wilbur, yes of course I want to!" I said and smiled. He sighed happily and smiled as well. It seemed like he felt better now, that he told me. 

He leaned down and connected our lips into a kiss. 


(1275 words)

So, this is the ending:) I hope you enjoyed the story. I'm about to write a new wilbur x reader story and also a ranboo x reader story, so stay tuned for that! Remember to eat and drink, you need it<3 Love you

- Luma

Wilbur Soot x Reader /// The fifth Lovejoy memberWhere stories live. Discover now