Chapter 2

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Austin's POV

It was around eight, so me and Ally were closing up Sonic Boom. We were closing up early so we could celebrate our anniversary tonight. I couldn't wait for Ally to see her gift. I just knew she was going to love it! I looked over at Ally who was suppose to be locking up the cash register. She was doing it again. Why did she keep glancing down at her belly? Was she becoming insecure about her weight? She should never be insecure! She's so beautiful, why would she even think that? I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. "Ready to go home?" I ask after planting a kiss on her head. "Yep." she says rubbing her hands along my arms. I grab my keys and Ally's hand and we walk to the car. We get in and ride to our house. I can't wait to get home.

We pull up at the house and I decide to do something special since its our anniversary. I go over to Ally's side of the car. I open the door and pick her up bridal style, again. "Austin, what are you doing?" "Since it is our anniversary, I thought I'd carry you over the threshold again." I say, and give her a quick peck on the cheek. We walk up to the door and I gently set her down. I unlock the door, open it, and pick her back up. We walk into a darkened house. I find my way to the couch and sit down with Ally. She curls up against me as I turn on a lamp. "So, how about we have some cheese pizza tonight?" I say, looking down at my angel. "You know it's my favorite!" Ally says smiling. I pick up my phone and order the pizza as Ally pops in our favorite movie, High School Musical. Hey, what can I say? We love music.

A couple minutes later the doorbell rings. I leave Ally and go get our pizza. I walk into the kitchen, and pour us two sweet teas. I then grab the pizza box and our teas and head back to the living room. I see Ally curled up on the couch under a blanket. Is she cold? Why's she cold? Is she getting sick? I hope my Ally-gator isn't getting sick. I sit down beside her and lay our dinner on the coffee table in front of us. Ally grabs the remote and pauses the movie. I take her hands in mine as we thank God for our food. After saying the blessing, Ally un-pauses High School Musical and grabs her tea. She leans back into the couch and takes a sip. I grab a piece of pizza and hold it up for her. "Want a bite honey?" "Yes, please." she says licking her lips. I hold the slice for her as she takes a bite. I then take a bite of it, leaving the crust. I throw the crust in the box and take a sip of my tea. I lean back on the couch and put my arm around Ally as we watch the movie.

Throughout the rest of HSM, we devour the pizza and enjoy each other just being there. The movie comes to an end with 'We're All In This Together' and I sit up. "I'm gonna go throw the box out and put the dishes away. I'll be back in a minute Alls." "Okay, I need to grab something from upstairs anyway." Ally hops upstairs while I clean up. After putting our glasses in the dishwasher and throwing the pizza box out, I head for the cabinet. I grab the cereal box. I take the bag with the actual cereal out and reach in the bottom. I pull out the flat black box that holds Ally's present. I put the cereal back and head into the living room with the box behind my back. I see Ally sitting on the couch with the blanket thrown over her legs. She sees me coming and smiles. I walk up to her and lean down. "Happy anniversary Alls." I give her a kiss and hand her the box. She opens it and her eyes glisten. "Austin, I love it!" I got her a solid, silver heart necklace. "Turn it over." I tell her. She gently flips over the necklace. "There's no way I could make it without you." she reads, her eyes watering. "Thank you so much." she says engulfing me in a hug.

Ally's POV

Austin is so sweet. I absolutely LOVE my necklace! I reach behind my back and hand Austin his card. "Ooooo, a card." Austin said wiggling his eyebrows. I giggle as he opens the card. I watch him while he reads it He's smiling, then his face drops in shock. Oh no... He reads it again. Then his face breaks into the biggest smile. "Ally, you're pregnant!?" "Yea, I found out a week ago and wanted to save it for our anniversary." "This is the best anniversary present ever!" He says wrapping his arms around me in a hug. He pulls back, his hands intertwined behind me. "How far along are you sweetie?" "The doctor said two months." Austin leans back on the couch and pulls me with him. "Oh Alls, we're gonna be parents!" he says smiling. "I kno-" I break into a yawn. "You're tired aren't you?" "Kinda." I say looking down. "Come on, we'll head on up to bed." Austin stands up, and before I can, he leans down and wraps me and my blanket up in his arms. I nuzzle my head in his shoulder as he walks us upstairs. We get in our bedroom and Austin gently lays me down on the bed. He pulls the comforter up around me and walks around to the other side. He takes off his shirt and lies down in bed. He wraps his arm around me and says, "Night Alls, love you." "Goodnight Austin, I love you too." I'm about to fade into sleep when I feel Austin place his hand on my stomach and he whispers, "Goodnight baby, I love you." I place my hand over his and fall asleep.

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