Chapter 20

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Ally's POV

I rocked Kinsley as I sang, what seemed to be, one of her favorite songs, Shoulders. We had been home a week now and life was anything but normal. Austin and I were slowly adjusting to the new 'norm' with the help of our friends and family. Thankfully, Kins was an oddball of a baby and slept most of the night. That sure did help us, especially Austin, catch up on some much needed sleep.

I look down in my arms and find that my precious darling has fallen asleep. I get up and walk her over to her crib. I lay her down and cut on her half of the baby monitor. I leave the door open and head to go find the other half. I think Austin had it in our room last. A couple of steps before I enter our room, I stop. Gngngn-heewww. I tiptoe in our room to find Austin passed out on our bed. He was so tired lately. I thought I was going to be the tired one, but he's really taken it hard. Mid-afternoon naps have become a habit for him since Kins was born. I walk over to the bedside table and grab our baby monitor. I lean down and plant a kiss on Austin's forehead, "I'll wake you up when dinner's ready." I switch the lamp off as I head downstairs to get some chores done.

It was around 5 and Trish should be over any minute. I had made hamburger patties and she was going to come over and help me grill them. I was around in the backyard putting charcoal on the grill when I heard Kinsley begin to cry through the monitor. I left everything as it was and tried to get upstairs to the nursery as fast as I could. When I walked in, I saw Austin swaying with Kinsley in his arms. I stood in the doorway as I saw him lean down and whisper to her, "It's okay Kins, Daddy's here." Her cries began to fade and he gently laid her back down. Austin turns around and jumps when he sees me. He walks into the hallway and I wrap him up in a hug. "Sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to scare you." "Its fine. Kinsley must've just had a bad dream or something." he says while he hugs me back. We hold on to each other for a couple of moments and then pull apart to look at each other. "You're such a good father already Austin." I tell him while intertwining my fingers around his back. He leans down and sweetly kisses me. "What was that for?" I ask. "For simply being you." He says, wrapping his arms around me and laying his head in my shoulder. We stand there holding each other, cherishing the little moments we could find with each other.

Austin's POV

The doorbell rings and we release the warmth we had created. "Trish is here." Ally said looking up at me. "Let's go let her in." I wrap my hand around hers and we go downstairs. A couple of moments later, Trish and Ally are deeply immersed into a conversation about the newest pros on Dancing With the Stars this season. While the ladies are sitting in the kitchen, I decide to go light the grill. I walk outside and see that Ally had already been out here trying to get stuff ready. As soon as there's a steady flame going, I close the top and sit down in our back porch swing. I glance up at the window sill and notice Kins' monitor. Quiet. I'm glad I got her back to sleep, she seemed to like me talking to her. I smile. I think its so adorable how much she resembles Ally already. It makes my heart warm thinking about my two girls. Suddenly overcome with a need to see Ally, I go inside. I find her still seated at the bar talking to Trish. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. When she finally turns around and looks at me, I simply say, "I love you." "I love you too baby." "Ugh. Would you two please stop acting like you're dating. You're too old for this; you have a daughter now!" Ally and I look over at at Trish shocked. She bursts into laughter and we do too. "I'm kidding guys, you're adorable. One day though, Kinsley is going to find that disgusting." Trish says, her laughs ceasing. "I hope she doesn't. I want to be someone she's able to look up to." Ally said, a little saddened. "And you certainly will be her biggest role model sugar." I said kissing her cheek. I see a smile appear on her face and she looks up toward the stairs, "I'm going to go check on her; I'll be back in a few minutes." As Ally gets up and heads upstairs, Trish glances over at me, "Is Ally okay? I didn't mean to upset her." "Its fine Trish. She's still just a little moody." I say chuckling.

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