Chapter 11

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Ally's POV

I woke up cold. Very cold. I looked down to see that Austin had kicked all of the covers off of me, again. I wish he wasn't so hot natured. I reach down to pull the covers back up on me when I feel it. A flutter. It felt like butterflies. I stop and sit up. Was that the- No it couldn't be. I reach over on my lamp stand gently and grab my phone, trying not to wake Austin up. I open my baby app. Let's see I'm 17 weeks so... I start reading and then stop when I find what I'm looking for. That was the baby. I felt the baby. I place my hand on my stomach and look down at the life growing inside of me. The baby was moving. Whoah. This is so incredible. I've gotta tell Austin. I look over at Austin who's sleeping soundly. Should I wake him? He's sleeping so well and he hasn't gotten much sleep lately with me being in the hospital and everything and I don't want him to not get enough sleep because when he doesn't get enough sleep he get's cranky- Stop it Ally, stop rambling. You can wake him to tell him and then let him go back to sleep. I gently begin poking his shoulder. "Austin, baby wake up, something happened." I whisper. "Austin, wake up." Nothing. Hmmmm. I lean down and press my lips against his. In no more than 3 seconds his eyes flicker open. I pull away, smiling at my accomplishment. "Well good morning, what was that for?" Austin asks me with a staggering smile on his lips. "I needed to wake you up, and I knew that would work." I say winking at him. "So, whatcha want?" he asks, sitting up beside me. "Okay, so I woke up and I was freezing because you kicked the covers off of me again." I say giving him an evil eye, "I reached down to pull them back up on me when I felt this strange feeling in my abdomen." His face started to grow with worry the moment I said that, so I quickly continued. "It wasn't a pain, but this weird fluttering sensation. Austin, I felt our baby move. It was the most amazing thing!" I say looking back down at my stomach. Austin wraps his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. He isn't saying anything so I look up at him, "Is there something wrong sweetheart?" "He looks back down at me and replies, "Not at all. It's just so amazing that something so small has life; that you're carrying another life within you; that the life growing inside of you is a part of you and me; we're so blessed Ally." "I know Austin." I say leaning up and giving him a peck on the cheek.

Austin's POV

"I'm gonna get on up and start breakfast." Ally says while starting to slide out of my embrace. I look over at the clock by our bed, 7:43. "Oh come back here, we still got like 17 more minutes before we have to get up." She gets up anyway, but to my surprise, she walks over to my side, and crawls under the covers on top of my lap. She rests her head on my chest while I wrap my arms around her. I sit there holding her for a couple of minutes, then I here Ally break the silence, "What do you want Austin?" "For what, breakfast?" I ask, confused. "No, do you want the baby to be a boy or a girl?" she asks me. "Do you want my honest answer Alls?" She nods her head against my chest. "Well, I honestly want a boy and a girl. It doesn't matter who comes first." "Just one boy and one girl?" she asks, trying not to let her disappointment slip through." "I want as many kids as God blesses us with. Even if that means we're gonna have 21, I'll love all of them just as much as I would have loved two." "Thank sweetie." she says wrapping her arms around me. "For what?" I say looking down at her. "For always knowing just what to say." I kiss the top of her head and look back over at the clock, 8:03. "Looks like we should get up, don't wanna be late for Sunday school." I say flipping the the blankets off of us. "Okay, I'll head downstairs and see if I can get some omelets started." Ally hops down while I head into the bathroom to take a shower.

Ally's POV

I'm pouring two glasses of orange juice when Austin walks into the kitchen. "Well you smell nice." I say taking the glasses to the table. "Why thank you." he says pulling my chair out for me. He sits down beside me and reaches his hand out for mine. I bow my head and Austin begins to pray, "Dear Lord, thank you for this food that we are about to eat. Thank you for the juice we are about to drink, and most importantly, thank you for Ally and our little baby. I pray that You be with us today as we go and visit our friends, and when we attend church today, I pray that we worship you wholeheartedly and it is not in vain. In Jesus name we pray, amen." "Amen." I say after Austin. I begin to cut up my omelet as Austin looks over at me, "You ready to meet up with everyone today Alls?" "Yes! Its gonna be great to have everyone together again." I say smiling. I take a bite of my food when Austin turns toward me, "This isn't going to be too much on you so soon after the coma is it sweetie?" "Of course not. Besides this little back ache, I feel perfectly fine." I say, reassuring him. I finish up my food as Austin begins to eat his, and I head upstairs to get ready, anticipating the day ahead.

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