Chapter 7

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Ally's POV

Ugh. I turned over and looked at the alarm clock, 5:30. I still had another hour to sleep, but I couldn't sleep. I had been awake for sometime now. I didn't want to wake Austin, he was sleeping so soundly. I sit up and pull out my phone when I hear my stomach growl. Hmm, maybe I could start breakfast just a tad bit earlier today. I get up out of bed, making sure not to wake up Austin. I walk downstairs and turn on the kitchen light. What should I cook? I start looking through the cabinets when I see what I'm going to make, pancakes, Austin's favorite.

I was almost finished cooking the last batch of pancakes when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see my sleepy husband. "Good morning." I say taking up the pancakes. He walks up behind me and looks over my shoulder, "I thought I smelt something delicious. How long have you been up?" I glance over at the clock, "Oh, for about 40 minutes." "Why didn't you wake me up sweetie?" "You were up early yesterday and you needed your sleep." "Well, thanks for cooking breakfast Alls." he says kissing my head.

Since it was Saturday, we didn't have to go to Sonic Boom. After eating breakfast, Austin helped me wash the dishes. "What do you wanna do until Trish and Jace get here?" I ask, putting the last plate up. "Hmm, wanna work on some music?" he asks me. "I'd love to." I say smiling. I go upstairs, grab my songbook, and head back down to the den. I go and sit by Austin at the piano. "Let me see what you got?" I hand him my songbook and he begins to flip through. I'm playing around with a few keys when he stops on a page. "Ally, this is beautiful." I look over at the song he's looking at. "It's not even complete Austin, it's just a chorus.' "Its still amazing so far." He begins to play what I have so far, "God gave me you for the ups and downs. God gave me you for the days of doubt. For when I think I've lost my way, there are no words here left to say, it's true. God gave me you." I smile up at him. "Wow Ally." "So you like it?" I say giggling. "I think it might be one of your best." he says looking down at me. "Well, I have some pretty wonderful inspiration." I say laying my head on his shoulder. For the rest of the morning we work on our new song.

Austin's POV

After having lunch, me and Ally decided to just watch some TV 'til Jace and Trish got there. We were midway into The Last Song when we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it Alls." I said as I got up and went to the door. I opened it up to see Trish and Jace, "Hey Austin!" Trish said. "Hey guys, come on in. Ally's just in the living room." We walked to the living room and I sat back down by Ally. "Hey guys! I'm so sorry I fell asleep last night." Ally said with a tint of pink in her cheeks. "No problem Ally, as soon as I got to the hotel, I went to sleep too." Trish said. "You know you guys could totally stay here while you're in town." I said. "We wouldn't want to invade your privacy." Jace said. "Nonsense. You're some of our best friends, we'd love to have you guys here." Ally said. "Do you want me to tell them?" Jace asked, looking at Trish. "I'll tell them." she said. Then she turned towards me and Ally, "Austin, Ally. Me and Jace are moving back to Miami next month!" "Trish! Really!?" Ally said, jumping up and giving Trish a hug. "Yea. It's been kinda tough managing Austin so far away, and I miss you guys too much, we both do." she said glancing over at Jace. "I'm so glad you guys are moving back." I said, joining in on a group hug. We separated and Ally and Trish sat on the love-seat beside the couch. "Have you guys found a house yet?" "We're actually going to rent an apartment until we find a house." Trish said. "Ah! I'm just so happy I'm going to have my best friend back!" Ally said giving Trish another hug. I smiled and looked over at Jace who was sitting beside me, "Having Trish around is exactly what Ally needed. Since her mom is in Europe, she doesn't really have a female around to talk to." "I understand man, Trish hasn't had anyone either." We look back over at the girls, and they're getting up. "Where are you two lovely ladies headed off to?" I ask. "Me and Trish are going to have some girl time, so we're going to see a movie." Ally said smiling. "Okay, me and Jace will stay here and work on some dance moves." Jace stood up and wrapped his arms around Trish, "See ya later honey." "Bye Jace." she said before letting go. I walk Trish and Ally to the door and grab Ally's hand before they walk out, "Bye sweetie. Be careful." I say before giving her a kiss. "Don't worry, I will Austin." "Aww." I hear as we look back over at Trish. "You two have fun." I say as they walk away and I close the door. I walk back in the living room and see Jace turning on some music. "Ready to get started?" "Totally." I say as the music begins to flow out of the speakers.

Ally's POV

Me and Trish were on our way to the theater and jamming to some Toby Mac. We begin to sing together as we stopped at the red light, "If You wanna steal my show, I'll sit back and watch You go. If You got somethin' to say, go on and take it away. Need You to steal my show, can't wait to watch You go. So take it away." Trish drives on as the light turns green. I look out the window and see a semi-truck headed our way. That's the last thing I remember before everything went black.

Austin's POV

"Okay, let's go over it again Jac-" BUZZ. "Excuse me a second." I say as I pull my phone out of my pocket. "Hello?" "Hello. Is this Austin Moon?" "Yes, I'm Austin Moon." "Austin, your wife has been in a car accident. A semi ran an intersection and hit her car in the back passenger's side. It flipped the car. Her friend Trish de la Rosa was driving and called 911 right after the crash." My eyes begin to tear up as I ask the officer, "Is Trish there? Can I speak to her?" I hear the phone being handed to someone, and then I hear Trish,"Austin?" "Trish! Are you and Ally okay?" "I'm fine. I just got banged up a little bit, but Ally..." she begins to sniffle. "Trish, where's Ally!?" Jace looks over at me worried. "When we were hit, she was knocked unconscious, and she hasn't woken up yet. They're putting her on a stretcher now. We're about to be taken to the hospital." "I'm on my way now Trish!" I hung up the phone and grabbed the car keys. "What happened?" Jace asks me. "Ally and Trish were in a wreck. I'll tell you what happened on the way there. Come on!" I run out the door as tears began streaming down my cheeks. Dear God, please let my Ally be okay.

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