Chapter 18

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Austin's POV
It was around 1 A.M. Ally and I have been at the hospital for about 6 hours now. With every hour that passes, Ally is in more pain. I ask her over and over again if she wants something to ease the pain, but she is persistent in her plan of not using any medication to effect the birth of the baby.
About an hour after we got here, I called everyone and told them that Ally was in labor. Everybody got here as soon as they could, and everyone except Trish was waiting in the lobby.
"Austin!" I hear Ally call my name. I stop pacing by the window and rush to her side. I offer her my hand as another contraction hits. I look over at Trish who is holding Ally's other hand. "You've got this Alls." I hear her tell Ally. I look at Ally's face as she begins to relax and she lays her head back down on her pillow. I lean down and kiss her forehead, "It'll all be over before long sweetie." She looks up at me, "They're coming so close now Austin." "Want me to go get the doctor?" Trish asks us. Ally looks over at Trish and nods her head. "Okay, I'll be right back." she says as she dashes out the door. "Austin..." I look back down at Ally, "I don't know if I can keep doing this much longer...." I wrap my hand around hers and sit beside her, "You can do this baby. I know you can! Just think about why this is all happening. Before you know it, the pain will be gone and we will have little Kinsley Esther in our arms." Ally smiles at me, but suddenly her grip on my hand tightens, "Ahhh!" "Just breathe Ally. You can do this. Take deep breaths." I continue with my words of encouragement until the pain passes.
A couple of seconds later Trish comes back in the room with the doctor. "Hello Mrs. Moon. Let's see how far along you are." While the doctor evaluates Ally I bring her hand up to my lips and give it a kiss. "Well Mrs. Moon, you're about 7cm dilated. We should be able to start pushing within the next hour or so. Until then, to relieve some of the discomfort, you can try walking around. That typically tends to help." "Thanks Dr. Johnson." I say as he turns to leave. "If you need anything else, just buzz for me or a nurse." I give him a nod while he exits. "I think I'm going to go update everyone. Do y'all need anything?" Trish asks. "Could we have some time alone?" I hear Ally ask Trish. "Of course girl, whenever you want one of us, just call and let me know." Trish then turned around and shut the door as she left. "Why'd you ask her to leave us alone Alls?" "Things are only getting more intense and I only want you here with me." Ally quietly said. "That's fine babe." I tell her. Ally sits up in the bed, "Could you help me up?" I put my arm around Ally and help her stand up. "Do you wanna try to walk around?" "Yea, maybe it'll help like the doctor said." I hold on to her as we begin to walk around the little hospital room. We make our way over to the window and Ally leans her back against me as I see her hands curling into tight fists. I kiss her hair and recite some scripture to help soothe her, " Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." I hear Ally sigh and she turns around to look at me, "Thanks Austy. Walking does seem to help." "That's good baby." I say. "I love you Austin." "I love you too Alls." I say as we begin to walk around the room again.

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