Chapter 13

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Ally's POV

Ding dong. I look over at the clock, 1:32. "That must be the gang." I say looking down at Austin, who's head was laying in my lap. "I'll go let them in." he says as he sits up. I watch him as he stands and walks down the hallway to get to the front door. He hasn't been feeling very well within the past hour. Everything just came down on him and broke.He seems to be a little bit better, but I don't know if we should go out today; maybe we can just all chill at the house or watch a movie or something. I'm interrupted from my thoughts when I see Trish and Carrie walk into the living room. "Hey girls!" I stand and wrap them up in a group hug. I look towards the hall and see Austin walk in with Dez and Jace. "Hi Jace! Hey Dez!" I say, happy to see them again. Dez walks over to me and leans down to hug me. "I'm so glad you're doing better Ally." he tells me, "I'm sorry we haven't been able to come see you since you've gotten home. We've just been really busy." "Its fine Dez. I understand; you don't have to apologize." I say as I walk back over to the couch and sit down. Austin comes and sits on my left side as Trish takes the seat on my right. Jace sits in the recliner near Trish while Carrie and Dez take the love seat beside the couch. "Is it okay if we maybe hang out here today guys? I'm not feeling the best." I say. I was doing this for Austin, but in all honesty, my back was killing me today. "Of course. Its totally fine with us, right guys?" Trish says as she looks around at the others. "Absolutely!" Carrie proclaims, her curls bouncing. I smile and look up at Austin; I can tell he understands what I was doing, and he wraps his hand around mine as though to say 'thank you'.
"You're really starting to show." I hear Dez say as I look over at him and smile. "Not too long and we'll know for sure Aunt Trish is going to have a nephew." Trish says, winking at me and Austin. "Oh no. Uncle Dez is going to have a niece!" Dez quickly replies. Me and Austin burst out with laughter at the competitiveness between the two.

Austin's POV

Being around everyone again was starting to make me feel better. I could always rely on Dez and Trish for a good laugh when I needed one. "So, Jace and Trish, did you finish moving into your apartment?" "Yea. We actually opened our last box last night." Jace tells me. "It feels really nice being home again." Trish says. "I could had never moved away from Miami." I tell them. "I totally understand." Trish replies. "Do y'all want anything to drink?" Ally offers. "Sure!" Carrie says. ""Come on girls, we'll go to the kitchen." Ally tells them as she stands up. Ally, Trish, and Carrie walk to the kitchen as Dez moves over on the couch so he can be between me and Jace. The red head looks over at me seriously, "You okay bro? You were looking kind of bummed when we showed up." "Oh, it was nothing." I say trying to cover it up. "Are you sure? If you need to talk about it with us, we can." Jace says, leaning up in the chair. I hold in my breath for a moment, and then let it out. "I let my thoughts and worries get the best of me earlier. I kept thinking about when Ally was in the coma and how I almost lost her." "Well that didn't happen, she's awake now Austin. She made it!" Dez says patting my shoulder, "You don't have to worry, just leave everything in God's hands. He's in control." I look over at Dez, "I know Dez, and I shouldn't be worrying, but I'm so afraid, because now, I could lose Ally and our baby if something happened." I lean over and put my head in my hands as my thoughts begin to control me again. I hear Jace get up and he comes and stands beside me, "Can we pray for you bro?" he asks me. "Thank you." I say as we grasp each others hands and Dez begins to pray, "Dear Lord, please be with Austin and Ally as they go through this pregnancy and await the arrival of their child. Any worries Austin or Ally may be having, I pray that they would leave them at your throne. You're in control Lord, You are the ruler over everything, and everything happens the way that You have planned for it to. Thank you so much Lord for loving us and keeping us safe. In Jesus' name we pray, amen." I reach over and hug Dez, and then stand up and do the same for Jace.

Ally's POV

I rub my back as I open the refrigerator, "The aching back part of being pregnant is certainly starting to kick in now." I say, looking for the lemonade. "I'm sorry, do you need to sit down Ally?" Carrie asks worried. I turn around, "It wouldn't hurt." I say walking toward the table. "I'll get the drinks!" the blonde says as she hops up from her seat. I sit down in front of Trish. "Is it weird Ally?" Trish asks me. "Is what weird?" I asked, a little confused. "Being pregnant. Do you feel different?" "Well, I get more tired than I normally do. I've gotten a tad bit bigger, and my back aches a little, but that's pretty much it." I say as I Carrie sits down with three glasses. "The baby hasn't moved yet?" Carrie asks me. "Oh! I hadn't felt anything at all... until this morning!" Trish motions for me to go on. "Well I was sitting in bed, and I reached down to pull the covers up on me and I felt a tiny, little flutter." "Awww." they say in unison. "Before you know it, the baby's going to be kicking Ally!" Trish says excitedly. "I'm not sure I'm looking forward to that." I say laughing. "I can't wait for the baby to be born!" Carrie says, "Its going to be so adorable!" "I can't wait to be a mom." I look down at my little bump, "But I'm afraid of child birth." I say, getting a little weak just thinking about it. "I haven't talked to Austin about this yet. He's already worried, and I don't want to trouble him with other things." Trish reaches over the table and grabs my hand, "Everything is going to go perfectly fine. Austin is going to be there, and all of us too." She tells me. "Yea Ally. Almost every woman that's ever lived has gone through it. God is going to be with you every step of the way." Carrie says reassuring me. "And Ally?" Trish looks at me. "Yea?" "You need to talk to Austin about this before the baby comes. He would want to know." she says. "I know Trish. I'm going to talk to him." "Well, how about we go see what the guys are up to?" Carrie says. I smile and we walk back to the living room.

Austin's POV

Around 9 o' clock everyone left. We had a good time together; we had a movie marathon and ordered a pizza to go with it. Being with team Austin & Ally was exactly what I needed. I felt like all of my worries were gone. I'm really thankful that Dez and Jace are my brothers in Christ and that they're always there to support me. They may not understand what I'm going through, but they were there for me.
I was laying in bed waiting for Ally to finish brushing her teeth. I see the bathroom light go out as she walks into the bedroom holding her back. "Is your back still hurting you sweetie?" I say sitting up. "Yea, and my shoulders are a little bit sore now too." she says walking towards the bed. "Come here." I say. I cross my legs and she comes over to me. "Sit down in front of me and face the wall." I tell her softly. She sits on the bed and I begin to massage her shoulders. "Thanks Austin." she says after letting out a sigh. After a couple of moments, I move from her shoulders to her upper back. "Feel any better?" I ask her. "Yea...Austin?" I hear her quietly say my name, "Yes Alls?" "I'm scared." I stop rubbing Ally's back and let my hands fall down her arms. "Why are you scared?" I ask her. "I'm afraid of delivering the baby..." I feel her arms tremble when she tells me this. "I don't know if I'll be able to take the pain." she says with her voice shaking. I stretch my legs out straight and wrap my arms around her as she lays back on my chest. "I've never been through something like this Austin. What if I can't deliver? What if something goes wrong? What if they have to take the baby by a C-section?" I know Ally is nervous because she is starting to ramble. I pick her up under her arms and set her in my lap so she's facing me. "Ally, sweetie, I'm going to be by your side the entire time. Everything is going to go exactly the way God has it planned out, so don't be afraid. He'll be with us through it all, just like He's with us now." I kiss her cheek to let her know everything's going to be okay."You promise you won't leave me during labor?" she asks looking up at me. "I promise." I tell her. She rests her head on my chest in contentment. I lay back in bed with her in my arms, reach over and switch the lamp off, and pull the covers over us. Ally is still trembling a tad, so I begin to sing to calm her nerves.
If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need that's what I'll be
You can come to me
"Goodnight sweetie, I love you." I say, and kiss the top of her head. "I love you too." I hear Ally gently say before she falls asleep. Everything's going to be fine Ally, everything's going to be fine.


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