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❝ some sick hallucination is telling me
go overboard ❞

jamie sets up her stream and stares at her computer screen. she's about to stream with tubbo, and she's  nervous about it. he seems like a decent guy and is very sweet but something about meeting new people has always freaked her out.

she takes down the starting soon screen and opens minecraft. jamie has played the game before, once or twice, just not enough to know how to build anything other than a dirt house. (loser)

unmuting her mic and turning on her camera, jamie welcomes her viewers to the stream. "hello guys! today i'll be embarrassing myself in minecraft with tubbo, so stick around."

she talks to her viewers to waste some time, waiting a few minutes before joining the vc in the new server she'd created with tubbo, herself, kian and zander. she was going to add sapnap too, but she didn't have his discord. maybe she can get it later.

"hey tubbo!"

"oh my god, jamie! hi, how are you?" tubbo replies. he seems beyond ecstatic to be talking to her, and so is she. after only talking to him through tweets and reply's, she's finally able to actually speak to him.

"i'm good!" jamie laughs. "francis nearly cried when i told him i was expanding my friendship group, so he'll probably be forever thanking you like a proud mother for actually talking to me and putting up with me."

tubbo laughs too, "isn't he your boyfriend?"

"yeah. such a sweet man yet such an experienced mother. i'm surprised he hasn't called me sweetie yet." jamie rolls her eyes.

tubbo and jamie join a minecraft world together and spend a forever and a half trying to build a house because jamie keeps ruining it with explosives and lava buckets.

come to about an hour into the stream, and zander joins the call.

"hi jamie!" zander screams.

"zander! babe tell tubbo to stop telling me to stop destroying our house."

"no. you seriously need to stop wrecking it." zander states flatly.

just then, kian joins the call too. "yeah jams, stop hurting the poor kids feelings by ruining all his hard work."

"what?!" tubbo screeches, sounding shocked. "i'm not a kid, i'm 18!"

"seriously?" kian asks, surprised.

"yes! how old did you think i was?" tubbo asks, laughing.

"like 16," kian sighs. "i thought jamie was turning into an all time perv or something."

"all time perv? what are you, 12?" she asks with mock offense.

"bet you'd like that." kian remarks.

jamie scoffs and attempts to defend herself. "i would not like that, you idiot. i'm not a perv either."

"mhm, sure. tell that to the 16 year old kid you befriended." kian laughs.

tubbo interrupts their arguing, "again, i'm not 16!"

𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝; dwt Where stories live. Discover now