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❝ i'm not spending the year doing laps
in the house ❞

tw: mentions of abuse

it's been a few weeks since jamie realised clay is dream, and she's honestly fed up with having to hide it.

okay, maybe she doesn't have to hide it. but that's a pretty big thing to just throw on someone.

and yes, if clay knew that she is a twitch streamer, she would definitely want to know. but he doesn't know, because if he did he would tell her. right?

it's just so confusing sometimes. one minute she's talking to dream, the next she's talking to clay. it also occurred to her multiple times that hiding this is probably not 'polite'. maybe it's even selfish.

he doesn't deserve to have secrets kept from him, especially if the secrets are about his identity. and yes, okay, she doesn't know what he looks like or where he lives, but in the end thats probably not the point.

not knowing why he freaks out every time someone calls him clay, or at least whenever she calls him that, was worrying. they've called a lot recently and his reactions just worried her more and more. she cares about him a lot and knowing why he reacts like that might bring her a little bit of clarity and tone down her worrying.

she can always just stop calling him clay, but of course she's too stubborn to do that.

now that she thinks about it, dream gets called clay by george on his streams sometimes. given, sometimes he pauses before responding, or tells george not to call him that, but he seems overall okay with it. so why can't she? is it because he doesn't know her very well?

she needs to ask someone about this and the only person she can think of that she knows, and dream knows, is sapnap. the guy she's supposed to be meeting next week. if he takes this the wrong way and decides she's a dick, she won't be able to meet up with him. but she's willing to take her chances.

hey i need to ask u something but it's kinda serious

woah hey don't go telling me u killed someone because i'm not helping u hide the body


u didn't actually kill someone...did u?

no don't be ridiculous

right. what do u need?

so, i know dream is clay


let me rephrase. i know clay is dream


i feel like i'm supposed to react dramatically or badly or something

do i deny it?

or is all that his job?

his probably

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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