How did I get here?

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Location: Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA
Date: February 16, 2022

As we can currently read, Bama is still in Mobile Bay, but not for long. Soon he will be faced with a choice.

Freedom at sea or locked in the bay

But for now he still in Mobile along side USS Drum, a submarine from the same era as him. Now most people would see Drum as a kid with his height of 4"5' with short white hair with gray eyes to accompany his dress of shorts, an AC/DC shirt, and a gray zip up hoodie. Besides Drum and Bama, many figures can be seen ranging from the heights of 5"6' to 5"11', and behind those figures appear to be planes and tanks like the M-26 Pershing and a T-55. And planes like the P-51 Red-Tail and helicopters like Marine One, a restored helicopter used by Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and George H. W. Bush. But those planes and tanks won't play a part in Bama's choice in the decision. As we can currently see, Bama and Drum are talking about their past near Bama's C turret.

Drum: Hey Al, do you remember anything besides the war, the near scrapping and becoming a museum? 'Cause I know I don't.

Bama: Not really, though I do have slight flashes to my construction and my sisters. I wonder how Massa's doing right about now?

Drum: Oh yeah, I forgot only you and Massa became museums out of your class. Shit, now I feel like a dick for forgetting, sorry about that.

Bama: No no, it's okay, but you need to stop cussing. Like really, you seem to have a problem.

Drum: Yeah I know, also what time is it?

Bama: I think it's 10:50 why?

Drum: I might get more visitors tomorrow.

Bama: You get visitors often, less than me, but still often to where you aren't shadowed by me. Also night.

Drum: Yeah night to you too. Same time tomorrow?

Bama: No, I want some peace and quite tomorrow, how about the day after.

Drum: Friday? Sure, since we really don't get much visitors near the weekend.

So as Drum walk off, back to his sub, Bama was left alone with his thoughts for the rest of that night. And so, he went back down the ship to the captain's cabin, and since they were spirits they don't need to sleep, but when you're over 80 you take the chance anytime you get it.


The next day

As Bama woke up, he heard what seemed like waves and demon pigeons, sorry I mean seagulls. So he decided to go up to his deck and check why, and when he got there he was met with the open sea once more. Now as any ship that was a museum, this would shock them, but Bama just stared on then proceeded to go back down to his galley to check for any missing alcohol. And low and behold, he was missing his entire stock, and if anyone was there they would have heard a shout of anger and anguish. Not because of missing alcohol, but because he was met with no sweet tea. But don't let this fool you, as this wasn't any old sweet tea, but Milo's sweet tea. Now he wasn't confused how he lost his sweet tea, as he has a problem, but more about the alcohol since he doesn't remember going to the galley. Then it hit him, no a wrench wasn't thrown, nor was a an empty bottle of bourbon.

Bama: What the hell did I do last night?

At a certain base
???: Wales, we've detected an unknown signal.

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