We call this a difficulty tweak

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Because I can
With a certain BB

Bama has no idea where he is, and won't have one unless he does one thing. Test the water. You see before he was in the Pacific, Bama was in the Atlantic and because of that can tell the difference of the water by taste due to the Pacific having more salt, and as a personal motto he follows "if she's a witch, she's a bitch," wait wrong one "Salt is salt, but mainly in the pacific." So with his genius, he comes up with a 200 iq move. Taste the water. But then he realized something, how the fuck would he do it? So he went back in his ship to look for any rope so that he could lower himself and get himself back up on deck. What he didn't account for was that this was old rope falling apart. So, his plan went into motion. He quickly tied a bowline, and got ready.

Bama: Ride or die, or in this case get soaked.

And so he started to lower himself, yet somehow to get himself halfway down before he realized. This rope was as old as him. And when he looked back he fell, but what came next confused him to no end. He was floating on the fucking surface of the water like a damn water spider.

Bama: How the fu- okay not important. What is important is getting back up there. How the hell do I do that?

Then his brain went into action. If he could stand on water like Jesus, then he can jump back up there. After all, he was Jesus. Right?

Bama: Only one way to find out.

And so, he jumped. And through the power of plot and bullshit, he did it. Now all he has to do is taste the water, since he doesn't have something to help him.

Bama: I don't want to be in the Pacific, water's too salty and I prefer the Gulf more. Welp, let's to do this.

And did it he did, only to find salty ass water. Bama wishes he could turn back time now, but he can live with the fact he's in the pacific. Now he needs to find out how to move his ship, and maybe, possibly learn to summon his rigging.

Bama: *looks at one of his AA guns only to see a seagull* I'm going to kill you later if I can't now. *starts thinking about shooting it with one of his other AA guns only for it to shoot* Oh yeah, it's all coming together now. But what if I tried it with the main guns? *thinks of the the main guns facing starboard, with the guns, you guessed it, going starboard* Hell yeah!!
But, how the fuck do I move? Fuck it big brain time.

And so, Alabama used his monster brain to figure things out. Like movement, evasive maneuvers, and gun movements and aiming. Currently we can find him trying to find out where he is. What he doesn't know is that he's only 50 miles away from a certain base that's going to get attacked soon.

Bama: You know, it would cool if I knew where I was besides a different world. Now I hope there's still sweet tea in this world or I might end this world.

But before he could finish the entire sentence, he was promptly interrupted by his radio coming to life.

???: I want you to fuck me Jerry, FU-
[Shit not again, anyways look at this and wait for the flash]

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