A ghost returns

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I don't care if I'm remembered as a hero or a villain. All that matters to me is my family. So if the world wants a villain... it can have damn good one. So if I do die a villain, I ask of you. Did I play my part well? If so applaud as I exit.- Me on my daily four mile run to my friend

Normal talking/describing/narrating

A few days after the cooking 'incident'

Bama could be seen in a chair on the beach early in the morning. It was a nice, calm morning, for Bama anyways. Soon his day would be ruined as a storm was approaching, both physically and figuratively. But until then he'll continue with his sweet tea and beach... unless a certain carrier found him. Which she did.

Enterprise could be seen, accompanied by Belfast, approaching the battleship. The reason? A very simple question.

Enterprise: When did you get a chair, and where did you get the tea?

Bama, with a straight face: .. My ship. Where does she think I hide the goods?

And with that out of the way Bama proceeded to completely ignore the cruiser and carrier until they left. That was until Something Belfast said caught his attention. Like straight up head turning words.

Belfast: Sir Alabama, are you paying attention?

Bama: ... huh?

Belfast: I said the Queen would like to meet with you.

Bama: The Queen? Well tell her if she wants to see me, she can come down to the beach to come get my patriotic freedom loving ass out of this chair if she wants to talk. Else I might dump some tea into this harbor harder than when we dropped the atomic bombs.

Belfast: Sir Alabama, this will only take a few minutes. Miss Enterprise has to be there to.

Bama: A few minutes? That's all you had to say! This is a damn trap! A few minutes means a damn hour! And the only time I can't escape it to, shit! All right time to fake it till I make it!

And with Bama getting done with hyping himself up. They were gone. As they approach their destination, Bama would notice that said destination appeared to be a garden. And you you may ask yourself 'who the hell is up so early? It's six in the morning.' The answer is the Queen, early risers, and me.

Inside the garden was beautiful. With different types of flowers accompanied by the hedges made you feel like you weren't in Hawaii, but somewhere in Europe. And in the middle of the garden appeared to be a round table with many seats. And in two of the seats appeared to be 2 tiny blond girls.

The first one on the left had long blond hair, purple eyes, a long scarf, doesn't know what pants are, and what appeared to be dog ears on her head making her look like a corgi. A corgi that can wield a sword. This was Warspite, the old lady of the British navy from Bama's reality. She was also short and petite.

The one on the right, much like Warspite, also had long blond, had light blue eyes instead of purple, wore a dress, sleeves with white gloves on her hands, and a crown. This was Queen Elizabeth, the Queen of the Royal Navy in this reality. She was the same as Warspite, short with a petite body. Also a brat, just saying.

Bama: Why the hell did you need me so damn early?

Belfast: Sir Alabama, please show some form of respect.

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