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I'm alive what the fuck. I'm tired as hell, but hey. Sometimes you just gotta do it.

Time skip/date/pov/yelling

Pacific Ocean
With USS Alabama
1 week later

The beautiful afternoon sky is a nice blue, the sun shining down onto the ocean, and the ocean reflecting the image back. As the sun can be seen, a eagle circles about, cawing (read as singing) every now and then. If we look down, we would see Enterprise atop of the bow of her ship.

Enterprise: One battle ends...and almost another...begins.

Just behind her is a large formation of other ships. All from EU or RN, but someone just had to ruin the moment.

Q.E.: It's about time they showed up. This is the fleet I've been expecting!

Now, you may be thinking 'Where's Iowa and Bama?' Well Bama is near Enterprise's ship, but Iowa is on a hunt for sirens. Bama was just atop his 2nd turret chugging sweet tea as usual.

Hood: This is indeed an astounding view, and certainly quite promising.

Warspite: This fight I'm sure, will be decisive..

As the Cleveland sisters were talking aboard Hornet's ship, Bama would be seen laying down enjoying the moment until..

Hood: Hello Sir Bama, or do you prefer Alabama?

Bama: Why hello to you to Ms. Hood, but please call me Bama. I don't like titles.

Bama and Hood met a week ago after the 4th of July show. Iowa also met Hood briefly before leaving for his hunt.

Bama: So what brings you here to my ship? The view isn't the best... *points at all the ships* if you can't tell.

Hood: Well I thought you would like some company before this battle.

Bama: Heh, well I appreciate it. I just hope nothing bad happens.

Hood: Don't worry, I'm sure nothing bad will happen. Besides, we have our strongest fighters here with us.

Bama: True... true.

Hood: I just want you to know that you're not fighting alone. *smiles*

Bama: *grins slightly* Do you know how many times they keep telling me that?

They both then sat down in a comfortable silence. But just across the waves we can see the Sakura Empire fleet, with Akagi and Kaga leading it.

Timeskip because I forgot what happens

Mirror Sea
USS Alabama POV

What... is this place? It's way to dark. I've got a bad feeling about this. Deep breaths, you got this Bama, you always do.


What? What are they yelling abo- holy shit that's a lot of portals! And there's so many! We're outnumbered before the fight even begun! What type of wakky woohoo pill did Iowa slip into my tea? WAIT IS THAT AKAGI!? WHAT IN THE HELL!

Akagi: If it isn't the legendary Azur Lane. Welcome to my ocean. I've been expecting you.. especially you.. Alabama.

Bama: How do you know my name? Also where are the snacks? Don't exactly feel welcomed right now.

Akagi: That doesn't matter.. but I hope these make up for it. *sends multiple planes*

Enterprise: You just had to say something.

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