If Bama had affinity lines

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Self introduction: USS Alabama, BB-60. But I'd prefer if you just called me Al or Bama.

Receive: Nice to meet ya Commander. I'm USS Alabama, hull number 60. Hope we have a great time and I hope you don't have a weird kink.

Login: Ah you're back. That's good, but please don't leave again. I don't feel like dealing with Akagi. Again.

Details: What ya need cap? Details? Fuck off.

Touch: Stop touching me. But in all seriousness, do have kink where you need to touch things?

Special touch (before oath): *Summons rigging* Touch me like that again, and I'll show you why I'm known as the Mighty A.

Task: Here's your work. What ya want me to help? Pfft that's funny, I don't remember how that's my problem. *runs away*

Task complete: Hey you did it, good job. Now have a drink. I SAID HAVE A DRINK!

Return from mission: *yawns* Jesus, why were there so many assholes to kill. They're like mosquitoes, but worse.

Commission: Hey Commander, the girls from the commission are back. Why are you looking at like that? You're the commander not me.

Mail: Yay mail. Let's see. Trash, trash, more trash, and... oh is it finally something good- trash! Motherfuc-

Secretary (idle 1): hey, you awake?

Secretary (idle 2): Come on, do something, anything!

Secretary (idle 3): Why are we still here? I want violence, and I want it NOW.

Strengthening: Thanks. No I'm not being sarcastic, so take the thanks.


Defeat: ...These assholes.

Skill activation: It's 1776-0 for a reason!

Disappointed: Fuck off, you failed and accept that.

Stranger: You want me to what? Sorry I hardly know you.

Friends: Take off my shirt? Why are you asking that? I'll do that any day of the week! *ripping intensifies*

Crush: Sorry were you saying something? I was to busy thinking. What do you mean by what? It totally wasn't you... I said that out loud didn't I? FUCK!

Love: No. No one else will love you because there will be no one else to love you now that I'm here. And if you do, well ya better bite the pillow because I'm going in dry. No not with my penis, but this knife I found.

Oath: You finally did it! Do you know how long I waited? Very long. Now put that ring on my finger and kiss me! And don't think about changing your pretty little mind.

Special touch (after oath): You better bring Belfast. Because when We're done tonight you'll need help walking.

Sorry for not updating, but I ran out of ideas and here is some filler for y'all. Anyways I would put a meme, but don't have any. So here's a fucking mountain I climbed in the summer.

 So here's a fucking mountain I climbed in the summer

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