Entrence of the South

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So before we start I just want to say Ukraine is fucked, no like seriously they are going to die, but Russia will pull out since it will basically be Afghan for them. But that's just my opinion and I'm not brave enough for politics. Anyways, enjoy the shit show of my brain.

And welcome back to whatever this is. The last time we saw Bama he just confronted Enterprise, POW, and Clevebro and told them who he is. Now Bama isn't a idiot like most would think, he thinks more then people give him credit for, and knew there would be a consequence for this, but what's life without risk.

(Thoughts in italics)

Enty: 'Alabama? I don't remember a ship named that.' "So what is it that you're doing here?"

Bama: The reason I'm here is because I got an offer while drunk and responded to a distress signal from someone named Prince of Wales, so do you happen to know someone by that name. Also, what's your name?

POW: That would be me, Prince of Wales anyways, and well their names are Enterprise and Cleveland.

Bama: So the carrier from Midway and one of the most successful series of cruisers, huh. Well nice to meet y'all then. Oh and by the way, before you ask no I will not work under you, only with you. I don't like being treated like a tool.

PoW: How did you know I was going to ask if you could help us.

Bama: Could see it on your face. Also, before you ask, no you can't have any tea.

Cleve: Dammit. So, what kind of guns do you carry since we haven't seen you before.

Bama: Well I carry 16 inch cannons located in three tri-barrel turrets, 20 5 inch turrets, 48 40mm guns, and 52 20mm guns. So in other words, I carry a lot of guns.

Enty: 16 inch cannons! Those have to be the biggest cannons anyone has fought!

Bama: Nope. The biggest would be 18 inches wielded by the Yamato. And the ones who went up against it were taffey 3. God bless those destroyers and carriers.

Cleve: Yamato? I don't remember a ship named that. And if a ship had that kind of firepower, I would know.

Bama: Yamato was a super battleship and was a secret as there were only three of them with one of them being a carrier named Shinano. The other battleship was Musashi, but she was sunk before the Yamato.

Enty: How did you manage to sink Yamato? As from what you told us it seems unstoppable.

Bama: Planes. A shit ton of planes. Enough of the pleasantries, I want to explore more.

And with that, they were off. As they exited his ship they would ask him to dock his ship where he could. Now Bama isn't stupid and knows that they're watching him like a damn hawk, and speaking of hawks Grimm, Enterprise's eagle, decided to show up. When he landed he looked at Bama with a gaze that would terrify any man, but Bama was no man. He was southern and he won't back down, so he stared back and would do this for about 10 minutes before being pulled away by Pow and Cleveland.

As they were walking, Bama would see many damaged ships and would compare it to his own. He would notice how little damage he took compared to them, and would remember he appeared at the end.

He would also see what would appear to be shops and a plaza, alongside a park and a building which he would guess to be the mess hall. He would also notice that there were chicken like creatures helping with the repairs of the damaged ships. He would also note the amount of shops he saw thinning as they continued until they reached what appeared to be a school and an office.

While confused, he would see PoW motioning him to follow her, and so he did until they reached an office. Wales's office to be exact. When Wales went in, he wasn't sure if he should continue following or not, but he did anyways. Once inside he would see Wales at a desk with two more chairs in front and what appeared to be the devil, otherwise known as paperwork. He proceeded to take a seat, and both would be greeted with an awkward silence before Bama finally spoke.

Bama: So, if I may ask, why am I here. Also why is there paperwork.

Wales: The paperwork would be a form allowing you to join Azur Lane as you don't seem to be a part of one. And you are here to decide if you want to join or not, hence the paper.

Bama: Oh, oh no. So if I join I get a place to stay and whatnot, but if I don't I get to be alone. Am I right.

Wales: Basically.

Bama: Huh, well might as well, but remember I work with you, not for you.

Wales: Understood. Now you can either go back to your ship or go get some thing to eat at the mess hall. It was that building we passed that looked like a lunchroom. So, while I do this, get comfortable while you can.

???: Wales we got a distress signal, and it seems to come from Hornets fleet. It would appear that they're being attacked by the Sakura Empire.

Wales: Got it. Send Enterprise and Cleveland they should be able to stall them till reinforcements. I'll also be sending in some help with them.

???: Understoos, and what do you mean by 'help'?

Wales: You'll find out in the near future, so send them as it'll take a couple minutes for help to arrive.

???: Got it.

Wales: *to Bama* It would seem like you don't get any breaks. So would you like to help.

Bama: Sure, just let me get ready.

And with that he left and Wales would go to the port only to see the USS Alabama leaving with a few simple words.

Bama: Let's turn the tides crimson!


And done. So the next chapter might take a bit, and I might be preoccupied by other things, so you have been warned.

Anyways, Bama out.

Anyways, Bama out

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