Chapter 1

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My family has been vacationing up in the mountains for a week, but we needed to leave soon, school starts next week and my parents are very stubborn about us being on time. Currently, Mom was taking me to the various shops around the small town we were staying at. It has been almost 2 hours and she hasn't had her fill with a potential credit card debt. She wanted to go into this little antique store, something called, "The Rhyming Forest Pawn Shop".

"Mom, do I have to come in?" "Yes, you don't know what you may find here." "If you're talking about another souvenir, I already have plenty." Mom groaned as she dragged me inside the shop, the smell of old leather and dust filled my nostrils. "Rocks that you found by the lake do not count! You haven't even looked around in here." I pulled my hand away from her, grumbling as I walked to the opposite side of the store.

This entire place was some fantasy nerd's dream come true. I don't know how one store could have this many swords, which were either fake or real, there was also a wide range of old medieval helmets and such. I look back at Mom, who was looking at little pan flutes, she doesn't even know how to play them.

I look around some more, not really seeing anything I would like. I began to hear shuffling and banging to my left. Even through that, there was this whisper, I couldn't make out what it was saying though. Curious, I peaked over and saw an older woman who looked to be setting something up. I walk over to her, once again my curiosity got the best of me, "What're you doing?". The woman stopped momentarily to flash me a quick, closed smile, "I'm putting up a new display case." "For what?". She set down hammer she was holding, fully facing towards me now. I could see the small bags under her eyes, as if she's only getting about 4 hours of sleep. "I came in contact with some old jewelry. I surprisingly don't have a lot of that here." I nodded my head in acknowledgment. "Oh I see, but um.." I trailed off a bit, causing the woman to listen in a bit more intently. "Yes?" "Well, I just thought I heard you mumbling or something from over there. I hate to pry more, but what was it about?" The woman looked confused, "Huh, I don't think I was. Maybe I was and I didn't realize it. I am entering my 60's soon, perhaps I've already started loosing my mind!" She laughed off. She put her back towards me and began picking up various nails.

I let her get back to her work, but then I heard the whispering again, it was much closer this time. I carefully peered at the woman's face to see if it really was her, but her mouth was completely shut. I noticed the small box of jewelry she was talking about. There were a wide variety of necklaces and bracelets, all were either silver or gold. Some looked to be missing gemstones, but they all still looked very pretty.

As I looked in, the whispering got louder, it echoed through my head like a sirens song. The colors of the accessories seemed to dull down every so slightly, making one of them stand out. It was a small, golden ring. It had no designs other than unreadable writing. I felt so, drawn to it, like it was calling to me.

I tapped on the woman's shoulder, her attention slowly turned to me. "I hate to bother you again, but may I try on that ring? The one in the box?". She smiled at me, "Ah, are you a big jewelry fan?" She said as she dug through the box. "Oh no, but it looked really nice. I don't think I've ever been so drawn to one like it." The woman pulled out various rings, "That's quite nice, but you didn't specify which ring it was, so I pulled out all of the ones I could find." She held up both of hands, all filled to the palm with rings. I scanned them before I saw the golden ring in the center of her right hand. "That's the one, the plain golden one" I answered her, pointing to the ring. The woman looked at it, confused just like before, "You don't want one with a bit more, I don't know, design?" I shook my head "No, that one is perfect."

The woman shrugged her shoulders, picking out the golden ring and dropped the rest back in the box. "Is this all that you want?" "Yes ma'am" "Alright, let me know if you want to check out." She handed the ring to me and went back to putting the finishing touches of the display.

I looked back to Mom, she was holding up an old tapestry with what looked like an old family tree. "I think your Dad would like this in his study!" She said with much excitement. Mom was one to always give people gifts, no matter how old the gift itself might be.

I chuckled at her, but put my attention back onto the ring. I kept having the feeling to put it on, but another feeling told me to drop the ring and leave. "Oh (Y/N)! That looks so lovely, are you going to buy it?" I didn't know Mom had crept up behind me, but she didn't scare me. "Maybe, if it fits I might." "Well if doesn't fit, you could always turn it into a necklace!" That was true. "You know what, what the heck, I'll buy it." Mom took the ring from me, "You mean I'll buy it. I'm the one with the money here."

Mom strutted to the counter, looking around for the cashier. I sighed as I tapped the woman once again, she looked a bit annoyed but she still kept up her smile, "We're ready to check out." Her gaze turned towards the counter, "Oh ok!"

The woman jogged behind the counter, "Did you folks find everything ok?" Mom smiled at her "Yes, your store had just perfect thing for my husband!" "Oh great! I can see that your daughter likes one of my new rings. Did it fit alright?" She questioned me. "I might just turn it into necklace instead" "Ooooo, how fashionable!" The woman finished ringing us up, the items total only costing us $15. "You two have a magical day!" The woman called to us after we left.

Mom and I had piled into Dad's van, I didn't know he and brother were waiting for us the entire time. "So how was your little shopping?" Dad asked, pretending to be interested. Mom began rambling on about how cute a dress she had gotten was and how amazing the new shoes she bought looked. I kept my new possession to my self, often pondering on what the writing means.

We arrived home pretty late, around midnight to be exact. We all hurried to get our luggage out so that we could go crash on our normal beds.
I rushed up the stairs, reaching my room in record time. I careless threw my bag against the wall, "I'll just unpack in the morning." I said to my self as I changed my shirt to a pajama shirt, which was just a long, plain cyan colored t-shirt. I kept my black shorts on, they were comfortable enough to be pajamas so why would I change them?

I slammed onto my bed, I felt myself drifting off, but was rudely interrupted by the same whispering I heard in the store earlier. I groaned as I got up, I began to search my bag for the ring. It only took me a minute to find it, I brought it with back to my bed.

I stared at it once more. "Did I ever try it on?" I questioned myself. How did I go hours without attempting to? Was I that perplexed by the unknown writing? I carefully rose the ring above my left pointer finger. As I slowly slid it down, the whispering got louder and louder, turning it into a chant more like.

It all stopped once the ring was on. "A perfect fit!" I said loudly. I suddenly felt that finger start to burn, I squealed with pain as I tried to get to pull the ring off, but it felt like it was welded to my finger. The burning spread to all parts of my body, the pain was unbearable. I writhed around violently in my bed, the burning getting worse and worse as I did. I attempted to shout out for just about anyone to help me, but all that escaped my lips was a silent scream.

All at once, the burning stopped. I felt hot tears rolled down my cheeks, what the hell just happened to me? I wanted to run all the way to Mom for comfort, but I couldn't move a muscle. I was paralyzed in place, what's happening?!
With much force, I was able to lift my head up, it felt like gravity had shifted completely.

With my head slightly elevated, I could see clearly that my legs were fading away. I panicked, I didn't have a clue as to what was going on, all I could do was lie there and possibly accept my fate.

I never should've bought this ring! I should've listened to my gut when I had the chance, now I'm going to die and no one will ever find my body. I saw that the fading has nearly reached the base of my neck.

I slowly closed my eyes and accepted my fate...

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