Chapter 4

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(3rd person POV)

Melba closed the door to the crafts room, following her husband, Bero, to their living room. They sat down on their sofa, staying quiet for only a moment before Bero spoke up, his voice slightly hushed as to not potentially have (Y/N) hear, "Melba, love, you know the girl can't stay here.."

Melba had a sad look on her face, "I know. I know that, but we can't just kick her out. She's obviously not from around here and she'll be left out there in the world, it's rude to just kick a guest out. She needs us, Bero." "Melba, we don't have the space for a human child. Our hole isn't as big as the others, the girl may break her back just being in here for too long." "Well then what do you suggest we do? The nearest human village takes at least two days to get to, and one of us would have to guide her there, and we just had a baby, Bero. Albeit a well mannered baby, but taking care of the farm and an infant is a two person job. And humans are unpredictable, they might think we stole the poor girl and hurt us."

Bero and Melba were left deciding on what to do. "Did the girl tell you anything about how she even got into our home? I heard you two talking before bed." Melba shook her head, "No, she was just as confused as you and I were. She kept going on about some ring she had just lost." "A ring?" "Yes, I don't know why she needed the ring so badly. Perhaps it's an heirloom of sorts?" "Well, let's look around, I would certainly hate to lose my own ring as well."

Melba and Bero began searching every nook and cranny of their living room, hallway, and even entryway for a ring, but had no luck. Bero came back to Melba, wiping some sweat off his forehead, "Whatever ring the girl had, it isn't here." "Oh (Y/N)'s going to be devastated..." "I certainly would be, but that isn't the big issue right now, where will the girl go?" Melba took a moment to respond, thinking of the best solution. An idea came to mind, making her smile clasp her hands together in delight.

"Doesn't Mr. Bilbo Baggins have one of the larger homes you can get in the Shire? (Y/N) would still have to crouch a bit, but not so much as she has to do for our home. He owes us a favor doesn't he?" Bero scratched the back of his neck in a nervous manner, "That he does, but this would be an awfully big favor to ask of him. We'd be asking him to take in a complete stranger, let alone a child, into his home and house them until we can locate her family, and goodness knows how long that will take..." Melba gave her husband pleading eyes as she got closer to him, "It's worth a try, darling, we have to at least try. And if Bilbo absolutely refuses to take her in, we can find another solution, deal?"

Bero really couldn't say no to his wife when she was making a face like that, he loved her too much to do that. He sighed and gave a nod, "Alright, I'll head over to Mr. Baggins's after I'm done cooking our breakfast. I'll fix the girl a plate too." Melba gave her husband a kind smile before kissing the tip of his nose, "Thank you, dear, you're too kind. I'm going to go back to the crafts room now, I'll be done with the clothes I promised our guest after breakfast." Melba happily waddled back to the crafts room, leaving her husband back in the living room.

Once she was out of sight, Bero sighed worriedly. While he did trust his wife's judgment, he just wasn't comfortable with the fact that a child of man had somehow managed to get into their home. He didn't believe that the girl didn't know how she got here, you don't randomly end up in someone's home. Maybe he should drop the subject or maybe he would confront (Y/N) when he had the chance.

He took one look at the crafts room before heading to the pantry, getting all he needed to make a good breakfast for his family....and one unexpected guest.

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