Chapter 3

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I woke up on my own, the early morning light peering through the small circular window of the knitting room. "So, I'm still here." I whispered to myself. I still can't believe this was my reality. My mind flooded with questions.

If the ring got me here, does that actually mean that there's magic in the world? If hobbits exist, do elves exist as well? Dragons? Wizards? Oh this is so much to process. When Melba comes back, I'll ask her only the important questions. I decided to look out the window, just to get a better understanding of where I may be.

I was met with beautiful dewy grass hills and wild flowers that were still hidden in their bulbs, all because the sky dared to hide the sun for a little while longer. I saw the various circular doors implanted in some of the hill mounts, all pertaining different colors. What's with this place and their obsession with circles? Is it a cultural thing? Perhaps it's not my place to judge if it is.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening behind me. I look back to see Melba standing there, her baby in her arms. She gave me a soft smile upon seeing me, it was the kind of smile you would see any mother have. "Good morning, dear. Did you sleep well? I hope you weren't too uncomfortable...considering the space you had to deal with" Melba started off, her voice still kinda quiet, as if being careful not to possibly frighten me or her son.

I nodded my head, giving her a small smile in return, "Yes, I slept well. And don't worry, I've slept in worst places...Not saying your craft room is a bad place to sleep, I'm just saying-" Melba put a hand up, which made me stop talking. "Not to worry, dear, I take no offense. I understand how cramping a hobbit home could be for a human like yourself." Melba came into the room more, allowing her to shut the door to the crafts room. "Now then, I did promise you I would make you a dress..just so that you're not walking around naked." Melba gestured to the shorts I was wearing. Before I could say anything, Melba put her son in the bassinet that was set up in her crafts room and started pulling fabrics from a shelf. She laid the fabrics out and motioned for me to scoot forward, having a long string in her hand, "Come now, (Y/N), I want to be as accurate as possible."

After taking my measurements into all accounts, Melba had started on the outfit, I was amazed by the fact that she didn't even need to sketch it out first. Melba hummed a soft little tune I wasn't familiar with. Whatever the song was, it was comforting in a tranquil kind of way.

While Melba was preoccupied with her sewing and humming, I softly spoke up, "Excuse me, Mrs. Melba?" "Just Melba is fine, dear." "Right, Melba, I was just wondering. Where exactly am I?"
Melba took a moment before answering me, being so focused on the stitching, "You are in the Shire, a land that almost all Hobbits live and grow in, you'll hardly find anyone here who isn't a Hobbit." I give a nod in understanding, I was about to ask another question, but Melba beat me to it. "What about you, where do you come from where the existence of my people seems so foreign to you?"

My home...I have no clue just how far it is from where I am. I became saddened at the thought of being so far from home like this. I mean, yeah sure, I've complained that my home was boring and often fantasized about just up and leaving home sometimes...but this isn't what I meant. My silence must have caught Melba's attention, "(Y/N)? Are you alright?" I snapped out of my homesickness and look towards Melba, quickly giving a nod. "Y-Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking about home is all. Speaking of, I'm from-"

I was cut off by the sound of knocking on the crafts room door, "Melba, dove? May I see you for a moment?" It was Melba's husband, who I'm still yet to be properly introduced to. Melba looked towards the door before setting the fabric and needle down, she gave me a quick smiling glance as she got up from her stool, "I'll be back in just a second. In the meantime, if Otho cries, just rock his rocker gently please." She promptly left me in the crafts room alone with her infant son.

With her gone, I leaned in and saw the baby, Otho. Dear lord, this was a small baby. Absolutely adorable, but much smaller than a human baby. Otho was wide awake but he wasn't making any sounds, he just looked up at me with those big ol' baby eyes. I really couldn't help but smile at the little guy, which in turn, he gave me a opened mouth gum smile. I wiggled a finger in front of him, as an attempt to play with him, making little cooing noises at him. Otho grabbed my finger, his whole hand barely wrapped around it. I wonder if Melba would let me hold him when she gets back..

Far from My Realm (Yandere Platonic Hobbit x child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now