2/6/2022 10:34pm

4 0 0

Everything hurts.

My body and my mind, emotions. 

I can't help but feel like everything is my fault. Though, I do have to say, now that the truth is out there, I feel a little less guilty. As if I was given just a bit more time to hold my breath before taking that one deep breath in that allows my lungs to fill with water: ultimately killing me. 

I don't regret a single thing I did, though. Now I'm going about it a different way... my mom could never find out if I'm lying unless someone narks me out. Though, that's not really possible since I won't tell anyone. I have to stay lowkey for the next 3 and a half years. Good grades, no friends, no sadness, smiles, and listening. It's a mask until I can move out, once I do that, I'll be ghosting my entire family and getting a place of my own or staying with someone until I can get a place of my own. 

I'm just ready to leave, to get away. 

I don't have much longer... I hope luck is on my side. 

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