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Taehyung's Pov:-

I groaned slamming my head against table. I glared at Jungkook and Namjoon hyung who started laughing.
"Shut up."I growled but they laughed more.
"You deserve it."I frown looking at jimin who has his arms crossed sitting on couch smirking at me. It had been five days since my baby forgive me but that fucking punishment he has given me has giving me torture. He won't let me touch him at all. I didn't thought he was that serious about that punishment.
Whenever I try to convince him to let me touch him, he says If I touch him he will assume that I want him only for his body and that's not fucking true.
I signed.... Just two days taehyung, just two days....

We currently sitting in yoongi's house.  Jin hyung invited everyone for dinner because Namjoon hyung got great deal in his company. He is going to get lots of profit due to this deal.
"Dinner is ready everyone."Jin hyung called out from kitchen.
We walked into kitchen and delicious aroma of food entered my nose. My mouth watered looking at all the food settled down on table.
"Why Jackson didn't come?"Jin hyung asked.
"He said he have some work and he is making some arrangements to send his brother back."I said.
"Good so that boy will stay away from my baby brother."Jin hyung said frowning.
"Right. I would have ripped his hairs off if I would have been there."jimin said clenching his fist.
"Sorry Jin hyung, I will not let anything happen to yoongi again."I said.
"You better."Jin hyung said and smiled  relieving me slightly.
"Jiminie, Markie and hobi hyung are coming in five minutes"yoongi came running.
"Ok then let's wait for them then we will start eating."namjoon hyung said as we all nodded. We sat down on chairs around dinning table.
"I missed you baby."I whispered in yoongi's ear. I smiled as blush coated his cheek.
"I missed you too."he whispered back as my smile widened. My hand reached out before I even realised what I was doing but hand slapped on my hand.
"No touching taehyung hyung."Jungkook said chuckling then I realised what I was going to do. I retrieved my hand back instantly. I glared at Jungkook who sat besides me holding his laughter.
"What I am helping you keeping your rules."he said smirking as I frown looking at my empty plate.

Then hand gripped mine as I looked at my baby with wide eyes.
"You can't touch me but I can."he mumbled interwining our fingers. I feel smile coming on my face as he looked at me through lashes.
"Joonie, this is too cute."Jin hyung said smiling as Namjoon hyung laughed.
"I didn't know that yoonie can be that romantic geez...." Jimin said giggling as yoongi glared at him.
"Thank you baby."I whispered. He smiled at me.
Doorbell ranged and jimin went to open the door. Hobi hyung and mark entered greeting everyone.
We enjoyed dinner talking and everyone teasing me for my punishment.

2 days Later

I sat on the couch talking with Jungkook and Jackson. I clenched my fists in anger hearing there is betrayer in our gang. someone secretly sharing our information and locations to other gang, or worst that fucking G-dragon's gang. I will not spare that fucker for betraying me.

'' Find that bastard as soon as you can. I will make sure he will regret crossing me.'' I growled. ''We will find him soon. Don't worry. I am going to punch the hell out of him.'' Jungkook said fuming.                                                                                                                                                                                     
''I have made all the arrangements to send bambam back.'' jackson said as we nodded. I feel bad for jackson. He feel like he should take responsibility for his brother's deed which is not fair. I put hand on his shoulder, '' Don't blame yourself, its not your fault.'' he nodded slightly smiling.

'' Taehyungie.'' a voice came in house as our heads turned. My baby, jimin and mark came but yoongi came running towards me. I stood up instantly spreading my arms as he jumped in my arms. He wrapped hands around my neck and I kissed his forehead. My punishment ended today, thank godddd...........

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