Protect whats mine

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Taehyung's PoV:-

Taehyungie, taehyungie..."a voice said as I felt fingers ran through my hair. I leaned in comforting warmth basking the warmth.
"Don't sleep taetae, wake up."a whine came from him as I smiled with my eyes still closed.
"How can I wake up when your comforting little fingers running through my hair. They are going to put me back to the sleep."I said burying my head against his belly. He giggled and cupped my face.
"Wake up Taehyungie. Jungkook is calling you, maybe something important."he said kissing my nose.
"He can wait sweetheart. But our time together is more important." I said quickly pecking his lips. He giggled slapping my shoulder playfully and tried to pull me up. He squealed as I pulled him down against me.
"What are you doing taetae? "He asked trying to push me away.
"Just cuddling with my sweetheart, what else.." I said nuzzling his neck and he let out giggle.
"Tae....hmphh." I cut him off by connecting my lips against his. I dived my tongue into his mouth tasting every inch of his mouth.
"Ahh...mhmm.."he huffed as I pulled out resting my forehead against his as we catch our breaths.
"You taste sweet baby." I whispered and blush spread across his cheeks. He buried his head against my chest wrapping hands around waist. I smiled running fingers through his hair cooing at his cuteness. His phone started ringing snapping us out of our moment. He pulled out and picked up phone from side table.
"Look Taehyungie, now Jiminie is calling me. Something must have happened."he said before picking up the call. His mouth formed the frown and his eyebrows creased as he clenched fist of free hand.
"Okay I will tell him."he said cutting off the call.
"What happened baby?" I asked him hurriedly with worry.
"That bitch asking for war. Her father announced that you both are going to get engaged soon."he said clenching his fists in anger.
"What the fuck!" I growled getting my phone from side table. I called Jungkook immediately seeing Yoongi getting out bed and dressing up.
He picked up after few rings, " Hyung where the fuck have you been. I have been calling you since morning. You didn't got satisfied even after fucking all night."he said.
"Shut up asshat, how can that bitch and her father announce something like that. How did that happen?" I growled clenching my fist.
"Your father happened hyung. He signed partnership papers for another contract with him sneakily without anyone knowing in exchange of you engagement agreement."he said making my anger rose.
"That fucking bastard." I fumed in anger done with my so called father's shit.
"Now he have signed papers so we can't do anything but agree with his announcement." Jungkook said.
"No fucking way. I don't going to be anywhere near that bitch. If we get that papers then we can get their asses easily."I said in anger.
"Then we need the plan."he said as I nodded in agreement.
"We will get there as soon as possible."I said cutting off the call. I saw my baby fixing his hair in mirror with frown still on his face. I walked towards him and wrapped hands around him from behind.
"We will do something sweetheart don't worry."I said kissing his neck.
"I want to teach that bitch a lesson to not even look at my man." He huffed in anger crossing his arms.
"We will baby, we will."I assured him turning him around and kissing his lips softly.
"Freshen up quickly then we will leave Taehyungie."he said before kissing my cheek.
"Okay babe." I said and rushed to the bathroom.


"I am ready sweetheart."i  got out of bathroom to find empty room.
"Baby where are you?"I looked around the room. I noticed note on the nightstand and quickly ran towards it.
"Shit! For god's sake!"I cursed not like how things going on. I picked up the paper reading the note.
"Fuck!"I clenched the fist crushing the paper in hand. I ran outside quickly yelling Yoongi's name. I cursed not seeing my car indicating Yoongi left already. I called Jungkook immediately running inside the house to take my things.
"Hello hyung." Jungkook said answering the call.
"Yoongi ran away again."I said gathering my things.
"I know. I heard Peaches talking with him about teaching that bitch a lesson. Not expect to happen this quick though."he said in smug voice. I could imagine Jungkook smirking while talking.
Jeez! This jerk.....
"Why didn't you tell me you fucker?" I cursed at him.
"I was calling you but you didn't pick up. I think Yoongi sneakily put your phone on silent."he said making me groan. Only he can fool me like this by blinding me with his annoyingly cute adorable self.
"Stop smirking and come here to get me you ass." I said locking the house.
"Already on my way hyung."he said cutting off the call. I signed running fingers through hair in frustration. I remembered his note making me groan again for being fooled by my boyfriend. My phone ranged again flashing Jungkook's name.
"What is it?" I asked leaning against the railing of gate.
"Just saw Yoongi passed by with your car."he said making me fume in anger.
"Why didn't you stop him?" I yelled at him clenching my fist.
"Then it will be no fun hyung."he said chuckling on phone.
"That asshole geez..." I cursed at him causing him to chuckle more. This fucker make me doubt why I befriended him sometimes.
"Wait till I get my hands on you bastard." I said making him laugh more.
"Hyung, Lucas is following him. Don't worry he will give us update."he said before hanging up. I cursed pocketing my phone back.

Jeez, what my little troublemaker gonna do!!

Yoongi's PoV:-

"Yes I am driving right now. I will pick you up."I said to Jiminie while driving.
"What are we going to do Yoonie?" He asked and I smirked.
"We are gonna teach that bitch lesson before Taehyungie deals with her. No one can try to snatch my boyfriend and get away so easily like that." I said clenching my fist."
"Damn you are scary like this."he said giggling.
"But how are we gonna enter her house. There must be security."he asked.
"Don't worry. I have planned something special for her. I have sent her message from Taehyungie's phone and invited her for date at Jin hyung's and Namjoon Hyung's restaurant."I said smiling smugly.
"Woahh smartass." He laughed making me smile as well.
"Be ready. I will reach soon."I said hanging up the call. I called Jin hyung again to make sure about everything we discussed.
"Hello Jin hyung, is everything ready?" I said.
"Yes ready. Joonie have told his one friend to gather all of her information secretly. We need to prolong our conversation with her till he gets the information."he said.
"That we will manage." I said and hung up the call. I smirked thinking about my plan to teach that bitch a good lesson.

Just Wait and watch bitch!! I will make sure you will remember not to mess with me.

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