Accidental family meeting

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Yoongi's Pov:-

I am never going to make taehyung jealous again.
"What do you think you are doing? Touching what is mine?" taehyung growled angrily. Kai raised his hands in surrender.
He gave me 'if I die, I will kill you.' look.
"Leave him alone taehyung." I groaned crossing my arms.
"Fuck no. I am going to teach this bastard not to mess with me."he hissed.
My eyes widened as I stopped him,"Kai, um thanks for tonight bye."I signalled him to go. He left quickly and I signed in relief.
I smiled awkwardly to taehyung and starting to walk away.
"I am not done with you baby."he said as he grabbed my hand pulling me towards him.
"What the fuck was that yoongi? Kissing another man when you are with me. You became mine once you said to become my boyfriend."taehyung growled as I bit my lip.
"I d-didn't even k-kiss h-him. I was j-just getting b-back at y-you because t-that guy w-was all o-over y-you and y-you didn't even p-push h-her away. So I a-asked Kai t-to act w-with me. I am s-sorry but I was j-jealous and I am- " I was cut off by taehyung covering my mouth.
He signed looking at me. His eyes turned softer and look of amusement clouded in his eyes.
"I don't know why but I found your rambling cute." He mumbled and my cheeks flushed red.
"Baby, you were jealous?" he smirked as he removed hand from my mouth.
Then Hyunjin appeared next to taehyung.
"Taehyung leave the poor boy alone, he look so pale."he scowled at taehyung.
My cheeks turned red as taehyung crossed his arms.
"No he is my boyfriend and he is being a bad boy."he said and I pursed my lips. I am not bad boy.
"You have a boyfriend... Wow, he is beautiful no wonder you like him."hyunjin grin making me blush more.
I feel really bad. I was judging him but he is really nice.
"Yoongi meet my cousin Hyunjin and hyunjin meet my boyfriend yoongi."taehyung said smirking at me.

"taehyung said smirking at me

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This is even more messed up. He is his cousin. I feel so embarrassed right now. He smiled brightly at me and pulled me in hug. I pulled away avoiding eye contact with both of them. I am so stupid, I should have asked.

"It was so nice meeting you hyunjin. Now I have to go."I said as he nodded Smiling at me. Taehyung raised an eyebrow giving me "what the hell are you doing" look. I turned to walk away but taehyung stopped me.
"You are fucking crazy, if you think leaving this place alone."he said. I looked that hyunjin is already gone and now I am stuck with my angry boyfriend.

How wonderful, note my sarcasm.

"I am sorry."I mumbled as he raised an eyebrow.
God it is so awkward. He knows that I get jealous and I bet he is going to use it against me. Taehyung grabbed my hand and walked me towards his motorcycle. My eyes widened as I saw his ride. Heck no, I am not going to get on that thing.
"Sorry for what."he asked as I bit my lips.
"Making you mad?"I said but he shook his head kissing my cheek.
"It is okay, it actually made me amused that you got jealous."he grinned as my cheeks flushed red.

"Come on sweetheart."he said getting on the motorcycle. I shook my head instantly. No way in the hell I am getting on that thing.
"I think I will call the cab."I mumbled and he rolled his eyes.
"You aren't calling anyone baby. Now come on. Get on."he said but I shook my head. I turned around and walk away.
"Yoongi, turn your pretty ass around and come here."taehyung yelled. I turned around and stick my tongue towards him. I giggled as frown appeared on his face.
I yelped as I was thrown on the shoulder. I let out squeal and started yelling.
"Calm down sweetheart, I am not going to kill you."he said as I keep hitting his back .
"Now get on."he said putting me down. I shook my head. He signed and wrapped hands around me pulling me close.
He smiled at me showing his perfect teeth. he picked me up slightly and put me down on seat. He got on the bike.
"Wrap your hands around me tightly kitten. Don't want you to fall off."he said as my eyes widened.
"Wait what." I shouted as he chuckled. He started of the bike and it roared into life. I let out squeak and wrapped hand around his torso. I hide my face in his back.
I felt wind all around my head and it felt nice. I pulled away from his back and grinned. I yelled in excitement unwrapping hands around taehyung.
"Yoongi...what the hell...put your hands around me right now."taehyung yelled and I giggled wrapping hands around him.

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